Chiller and Sinister Cinema

Hope you can stand another “help me identify…” thread. This one is a bit different in that I can find tons of info on the two things named in the title but none of it is what I’m looking for.

None of my searches on either lead me to what my somewhat fuzzy memory holds. I’m not talking about the Chiller channel nor the series of which I can only find a listing for a series shown in New York. Nor does “Sinister Cinema” seem to bring up the show I’m thinking of. I’d assume I’m just misremembering but the listings of the shows don’t include any of the movies I rememeber seeing, some of which are pretty vivid. I’m hoping someone’s memory will be jogged by the following sketchy descriptions.

These were both shown on Sunday afternoon on the local KHJ (channel 11, I believe) in L.A., early to late 70s. Chiller was first and I don’t recall much except I seem to remember it had a creepy opening title sequence (not the one on Youtube) but what I really remember is the still picture they would show at the commercial break. No sound; just a red background with a maniacally grinning shrunken head with the word “Chiller”. There was no host (that I can remember)I’ve asked about this one before and no one responded but I thought I’d try again.

Sinister Cinema had a host but again, it’s not any of the people in the Youtube clips. He wasn’t ghoulish, though there might have been some background characters. He was supposed to be like a detective or something from the '30s and the set was his office where he spent most of the time behind a desk smoking a cigar. I wouldn’t swear to it but I think there may have been a gorilla.
The thing that I’m positive about and that I hope will bring it back for someone out there is that the show would always end with the song “As Time Goes By”.

Again, the only reason I don’t think the stuff I’ve found regarding these shows is what I’m looking for is that none of the movies I remember seem to be listed and that’s really what I’m after; to find some of those great scary movies. For the most part they were not monster or vampire movies but rather a lot of bizarre foreign films.

Does anyone remember anything like this? You’ve been so helpful in the past I just thought this would be the best place to turn to. Thanks in advance.