Chinese Speakers--All Dialects--Meaning of Name.

The name is Minmei, sometimes spelled Minmay.

It is a girl’s personal name, but I’ve also seen it as part of a company’s name. No data on the company, I’m afraid.

Computer translations do not help, & frustration is giving me the whim-whams.
Help please?

The problem is Min and Mei could means different things…

Min could mean, depending on its accent:
bright, name, the first character of tomorrow (min tian means ‘tomorrow’), life and etc.

Mei could mean beautiful, blossoms, younger sister.

As it is a personal name, I am betting 'Bright Beauty" or “Bright Blossoms”…

I think I know the company you’re talking about.

There’s a Japanese publisher by the name of Minmei Shôbô. They mostly publish books on martial arts. They also have an incredibly crappy web site at:

It’s all in Japanese, but if you’re curious about the characters used to write Minmei, look at the first two from the big picture at the top.

The company was named after a legendary Chinese martial artist by the name of Zhou Min Ming. Minmei is the Japanese pronounciation of the name Min Ming.

As it turns out, it looks like Min Ming, with the exact same characters as above, is used as a female name in China. The characters mean “people” (as in People’s Republic of China) and “bright”.

But then, maybe the company you’re talking about isn’t Minmei publishing. In which case forget all of the above.

Sorry for the double post…

Bosda, is this the Minmei in question?

If so, her name is LostCause’s suggestion of “bright beauty”.

Bosda, without the character, there is no way to give you a personal name. That’s using just one dialect and a standard romanization system.

Minmei looks like standard pinyin.

Minmay doesn’t map to wade-giles, yale or the older taiwan system.


Now Polycarp can name his new kitten!

many thanks