Chocolate is *good* for you, it's official.

This just in.

They say they con’t know how or why just yet, but eating four apples or drinking two glasses of black tea and some chocolate each day is good for ya’.

Works for me, pass the Toblerone!

Stuff the fruit!

Pass the chocolate and praise the Lord.

Isn’t there some chemical in chocolate that is slightly addictive as well?

::quickly looking around for an exit::

[sub] but I don’t like chocolate[/sub]

Chocolate is supposed to have some mental effects similar to “being in love” whatever that means.

It’s always been good for “you” as far as I’m concerned.

If I were to listen to the experts:

No sex
No smoking
No alcohol
No Red Meat
No Eggs
No Bacon
No Milk
No Butter
No Salt
No Water
No Sunlight
No Breathing and

So, Eat Right. Stay Fit. Die Anyway.




Nah, I’m just screwing you. But still. Don’t walk on my left side after I’ve had a chocolate fix. :wink:

Ha! You speak as if nutritional value was ever an issue when it came to chocolate.

was it good for you, too? :smiley:

DAMNIT!! Second incriminationg typo within three days!! Too bad I refuse to preview, hm?

Insert a “with” between the “just” and the “screwing.” Hehe.

Oh Damn! Men weren’t supposed to know that chocolate was good for them too! The price will go up (& how are we going to outlive them now? ;)).

IIRC, the smell of chocolate boosts your immune system too. That study never said anything about eating it, but the smell is bound to degrade over time, right? So you’d have to eat it to avoid wasting it before you buy your next bar…

No. Chocolate is bad for you. Very bad. If you have any chocolate around, you should immediately dispose of it properly. I can provide an address to send it to to have it taken care of for you.

i have always stated the “chocolate is good for you” line. look at all the calcium in there. chocolate heals all.

now, what to do with that heathen, wring!?!?

I don’t think that’s gonna work either

Oh yeah, the op, chocolate good for you, knew all along.

If chocolate prolongs your life, I should live forever.WOOOOHOOOO!!! I don’t know about the tea though, but I did hear that a couple of glasses of wine per day was good for you.

Chocolate and a nice Chardonay with every meal from now on.:slight_smile:

Look at it this way:

  1. I can be counted on to guard your chocolate.

  2. If I’m not eating it, there’s more for you.

  3. Both #1, and #2.

hhhhmmm, good point. since chocolate is the food of the gods, you can be the CHOCOLATE GUARDIAN. a very important and trusted position. you should get many a bribe to open the vault.

An apple, singular, a day, yeah. But four? Forget it.

Chocolate does taste good, but if you have GERDs, beware. As my Dr. told me, if you want to relax a valve, use chocolate. If you have GERDs or heartburn, keep your chocolate intake to a minimum, since it causes the pyloric(?) valve to relax and open, letting acid back into your esophogus where it does what acids do to unprotected flesh. :slight_smile:

(I have to basically cut out chocolate for the next 2 months. Also have to tone down the caffine :frowning: )

You’ll say anything to score, won’t you, think? :wink:

This line of reasoning totally works for me. :smiley: