Chris Matthews-I'm a Liberal and you're an ASS

I agree with Bobot. He spits when he talks. That’s so gross.

Am I the only one to notice (and be totally grossed out) by the guy’s huge, gnarled up hands with fingers that look like cadavers fingers? He’s always throwing them around when he’s flapping his jaws; I try to look away.

Wait. What? When did you come over to the Dark Side?

I completely agree with you on this. Being really great on panel discussions is what got her her own show. Viewers were anxious to hear more from her. But little did we know that left to her own devices, she’d be teaching us how to mix drinks on Friday evenings. Oy.

She’s extremely smart and I deeply respect her and her staff’s ability to dig deep into research to expose what the right wing wishes would remain hidden in the dark. But she needs a co-host. Without one, she comes off as … I don’t know … almost childish in a way. It’s hard to put my finger on.

Sorry, but gotta part ways with you there. O’Reilly is a smarmy, arrogant, jerk who is almost always wrong about absolutely everything. He’s one of the biggest hypocrites in the media. The young Spears girl was a “pinhead” whose parents must’ve been absent for her to have gotten knocked up at 16, but the young Ms. Palin was a lovely young lady whose family deserved privacy and respect.
O’Reilly re Jamie Spears: “In the pinhead front, 16-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant. The sister of Britney says she is shocked. I bet. Now most teens are pinheads in some ways. But here the blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her or even over Britney Spears. Look at the way she behaves…”

Re Bristol Palin: “As long as society doesn’t have to support the mother, father or baby, it is a personal matter,” O’Reilly said, condemning those who would “judge” Palin’s family.
Kathleen Sebelius should’ve been fired because the roll out of the ACA website (which she had no hand in personally designing) was an initial disaster, but never called for the head of Mike Leavitt on a pike for the disastrous roll out of the Medicare Part D website. And that debacle actually had dangerous effects on some of our most vulnerable citizens: the elderly who couldn’t actually get their medication because of the fuckups.

I could list a million, but those represent his hypocrisy well enough, I think.

And spittles. It’s nasty. Cannot stand him.

I haven’t watched MSNBC in years and I used to be glued to it all day long. But everyone I actually enjoyed watching has been booted for one stupid reason or another.

Martin Bashir, Dan Abrams, Dylan Ratigan, Contessa Brewer, Cenk Uygur, and one more guy whose name escapes me, but I see him sometimes with Dan Abrams.

Anyway, they’ve fired all the reasons it was interesting and informative to watch, and left us with all the douches.

Never noticed Chris’ spittle. I do notice how he continually interrupts everybody. What irritates the bejesus out of me is how, whenever he talks about Dick Cheney, makes a point out of how correct he is to pronouce it “Chee-knee”.

Rachel is the best, always well researched, always courteous to all of her guests.

Ed is great, I love the way he stands up for the middle class.

I like Reverend Al, but he has the stinky time slot.

Rachel was wiles, and she knows how to use them, and appears not remotely embarrassed about it. Speaking of Pat Buchanan, have any of you seen her wrap him around her little finger? She calls him Uncle Pat, scratches him behind the ear and rubs his tummy, and he turns puppy dog, happily gurgling and blushing! For a moment, I can forget how much I detest the nasty little fuck.

And lets have some love for Mark Shields. I never miss his turn on PBS with David Brooks Brothers, I am terrifically fond of his old style liberal frumpy. David Brooks wears his suits, Mark just gets dressed because its the law.

Olbermann is ill suited to the role, he only got out in front because he had the stones to say what everybody else could only hint at, the Emperor is butt nekkid and his Hammer of Thor looks like a shriveled peanut. Bless his heart for that, but the Commentariat is ruthless, when your time is up, your time is up.

As for my beloved RM, I’ve noticed of late that her restraining orders have a less threatening tone, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious…

You don’t like her because she’s gay and looks great in a suit. Admit it.

Wait. I knew Bashir had (basically) been fired (and why), but I thought all the others had basically just moved on. I knew Dylan, Contessa, and Cenk had moved over to the-no-longer-existent CurrentTV, and I think I’ve seen Abrams commenting on ABC lately. ALL of them were fired? For what?

With respect, Tim was a goddamn GIANT compared to any of these fools on the left or right.


No argument. Tim was extremely sharp. I miss him.

Yeah, he flings spittle at his guests like a fish-lipped lawn sprinkler.

I don’t even know who the guy is. If not for this thread, I wouldn’t know the peace I’m experiencing.