Chris Wallace on The Daily Show (11/3/10)

Did anyone see this? It was a pretty good example of how Jon Stewart saves his heaviest fire for the media than politicians. He has been accused sometime of not being hard enough on politicians as guests, but he (in a nice way) really eviscerated Chris Wallace tonight. He started by congratilating Wallace and Fox News on getting the House of Representatives back into GOP control, and more or less continued in that vein, basically telling Wallace staright up and repeatedly that Fox was a partisan network, and not a journalistic one. Wallace himself at one point said, “I can’t disagree with anything you’re saying.” it was a thing of beauty watch the repeat if yoy can.

Incidentally, he was actually pretty complimentary to Wallace himself, but he was very frontal about getting Wallace to admit to Fox News’ partisanship.

Can’t wait to see it on DVR - I am a next-day viewer more often than not…

I wouldn’t call it an evisceration. As you pointed out, he kept going out of his way to tell Wallace how much he liked him and his show and even said he wanted to go on there. Then again, I only saw the televised portion, not the full online interview.
But I did notice Wallace trying to stifle a laugh whenever Jon trashed his network.
I also thought Jon made some good points about how MSNBC trying to copy FNC’s partisan gasbags format, but with a liberal spin, only drags them down.

Yes, the way to counter Fox is not by being liberal but by being accurate and objective.

I dont know why, but at least for the last couple of months, Chris Wallace has been doing some good journalist work. Quite a change from the Bush years.
The ITV by Stewart was funny, but there’s a point you underlined and which is fundamentally this one: Stewart probably doesnt think that a comedian should give lectures to politicians. Mock them, yes, telling them how to run things, no.
But he probably considers that journalists are open season.

Online, with additional material.