Christmas Cards

I am getting ready to send out Christmas Cards and got a fart-brained idea.

Do any of you dopers want to exchange Christmas cards? If so, e-mail me your mailing address to my e-mail address at the bottom on this post. In return, I will send you mine.

“Fart-brained idea”?

I think it’s great! My address is on the way! :smiley:

Do they have to be Christmas Cards? I could send some beautiful postcards of Heidelberg Castle covered in snow. :slight_smile:

In any case, addy is on the way & feel free to send me yours. You, meaning whomever wants a beautiful snow-covered Heidelberg castle postcard.

Oh yes tater! Send me your addy.

but then my wife would want to know who the “Rockinest sexy old hag” is, and find out my fantasies about you and ruin the whole damn thing. Nope, not givin up MY fantasies!

Happy holidays.
later, Tom.

Ah come on, live dangerously. :wink:

I haven’t received my cards - the artist in charge is something of a perfectionist! But, I will get cards somehow. Address send, Diane - what a great idea!

I would be in for sure if I didn’t do things backwards:

For some strange reason, I was really, really good about sending Christmas cards when I was IN COLLEGE (of all the times—you’d think I’d have been out partying my winter break away instead of wasting my time sending out cards), but, ever since I’ve become a middle aged geezer, I’ve barely sent any out.

I should explain that I’m the type who never just writes “Happy Holidays, (signed) Dan”. I usually tried to fill one side of the card by asking after the person (ie, I personalize my cards.)

However, if I can reverse this really odd trend (ie, get off my butt), Diane is just the type of person I would do this for! :slight_smile:

We’ll see.