Christmas lawn inflatables you'd like to see

After I typed my contribution to the concurrent thread in this forum about Christmas lawn inflatables, I got to thinking. I ordinarily hate the things, but if someone came out with a Futurama Santabot inflatable, complete with machine gun, sleigh, and fire-breathing reindeerbots, then hell yeah, I’d get one. He’d look very impressive on our lawn, with the machine gun resting on his hip, menacing the passersby.

What (not already available item at Wal-Mart) would you like to see in inflatable form for your lawn at Christmas?

Not really an inflatable, but in the same spirit: About ten years ago, I used to have neighbors that put out a whole mess of those lighted wire reindeer. They put them right at the edge of my yard. I think they even moved, raising and lowering their heads.

They weren’t all that bad really, but I got sick of seeing the same deer in the same place every Christmas.

I really, really wanted to find a lighted wire hunter that I could set up in my bushes, drawing a bead on those damn deer. Never could figure out how to do it, though, and if I did I’m sure the HOA would have found some way to make me take it down.

My brother’s neighbor has some of those lighted wire reindeer, and my brother went out one year and stuck an arrow through the neck of one of the deer. IIRC his neighbor thought it was pretty funny when he finally noticed it. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that my brother goes deer hunting every year, and when he gets a deer he usually shares some of the meat with his neighbor.

If I ever did want to pollute my lawn with an inflatable Christmas decoration, I think I’d like one of Santa coming down a chimney into a burning fireplace.

A few nights ago, I walked my little dog at night. When she caught sight of a big plastic snowman, whirring and rocking slowly in the wind, she stopped in her tracks. I got her moving again, but she didn’t take her eyes off the apparition until we were well past it.

Inflatable humping reindeer.

Pinchas Zukerman.

Christmas Chuthlu?

I read the thread title as “Christmas lawn ineffables,” so Almighty Bob would be pretty spiffy.

But I wouldn’t mind an inflatable Epiphany camel or three. The Wise Men don’t get enough love these days.

I’d like to see Bun Bun vs. Santa Claus. Just once. :smiley:

The Bumble (with teeth still intact).

How about Roger Rabbit, still attached to the Suck-O-Lux?

Only if the tenticles were of those waving stickman variety so that they blow all over the place. That would be awesome.

I wonder if name clever ever got his Santa Gnawing on the House inflatable working.

I think a Giant Head of Santa Claus on the front of the house would be cool, positioned so you had to enter the front door through Santa’s mouth.

Last year, while we were out, someone took my wire-frame reindeer buck and “mounted” him on my doe. :smack: I took a picture, but I’m not sure if I have it available here at work.

I’d like to have a giant inflatable Grinch and Max.

A giant phallus would be kind of funny.

How about a giant sized Leg Lamp?

Doesn’t get any better than that. :slight_smile:

Unless…Santa having an elf flogged, 18th century Royal Navy style.

The two I’d like to see:


Hanukkah Harry

Santa shoveling coal into his sack.