Ciao from Italy!

Buona sera di Roma! I happened to be at a hostel with free 'net access, so I thought I’d drop by. I’ve been sending e-mails home from my Italian excursion, and if you want to read them, they’re all logged at:

You can get on the list there, if you want.

Having a great time, eating plenty of pizza al taglio, pasta, and gelato and drinking plenty of vino, walking it all off, seeing plenty of art, meeting cool people, saw Bjork, saw the Pope beatify some people…oh, just read the e-mails.

From here it’s off to Firenze, including some day trips to the hill towns, and home next Friday. Thanks to everyone for helping me plan my trip!

Dr. J

I’m glad you’re having a good time! Stay safe!

I’ve been thinking about you, DoctorJ! Hope everything is going well and you’ve been doing everything I told you to do.

Don’t you just LOVE the gelato?.. Mmm…

Ooooh, I’m jealous. I was there for my honeymoon a little over a year ago-- Rome, Livorno and Portofino. The best food and wine I have ever had in my life, and I got Poped, too!