I am quite sure this is nitpicking, but I often see requests for a cite to confirm or uphold someones post. The most common usages are of the forms: “Can you provide a cite for this?” or “I don’t have a cite for that.”
Is this really a request for a citation. Or is it a request for a website??
The word CITE is a VERB, to wit (from Merriam-Webster):
One entry found for cite.
Main Entry: cite
Pronunciation: 'sIt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): cit·ed; cit·ing
Etymology: Middle French citer to cite, summon, from Latin citare to put in motion, rouse, summon, from frequentative of ciEre to stir, move – more at -KINESIS
Date: 15th century
1 : to call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court)
2 : to quote by way of example, authority, or proof
3 a : to refer to; especially : to mention formally in commendation or praise b : to name in a citation
4 : to bring forward or call to another’s attention especially as an example, proof, or precedent
synonym see SUMMON
- cit·able /'sI-t&-b&l/ adjective
OK, It’s over, WHEW! [/soapbox mode off] Unless someone says something about a “web sight”.