cite vs site?

I’ve notices some people referring to cites, others (me among them) use the word site.
By my humble knowledge, the correct word is Site.
Why use cite?

please enlighten me

Cite = Citation; Site = Website. As in: “Give me a cite for what you said on your site.”

A site is a place where something is located. To cite is to adduce something as evidence ( among other meanings). A citation is something cited.

ah, i had never heard of citation being shortened to cite

Both cite and site are words, with distinct meanings, so the “correct word” depends on which meaning the writer wants:

From Merriam-Webster Online. The word “cite” is also used commonly as a truncated form for the noun “citation.”

Thus, please cite appropriate authority for your point, for example a good website.

And of course, here’s the cite.

thanks, my question is answered.

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