Citizen Trump (et al.)

A racehorse might actually be fast enough to catch the dragon it’s chasing…

he likes to watch

Baffert now claiming that his horse is a victim of Cancel Culture.

Now its getting interesting.

So is Medina Spirit a junkie socialist horse the exemplifies the Liberal decadence of Biden’s America. Or is it a True Blue American horse who it being shut down by fascist liberals for exercising its god given right to take whatever medication it damn well pleases.

I think we finally see the issue that will irrevocably fracture the GOP.

I think Caitlin Jenner running for Governor as a Republican is going to cause major Republican fractures. Can they support a socialist-hating Wall-supporting Republican, or will they refuse to support a trans woman?

They’ll vote for her and claim that Democrats voting against her are the real bigots. Guaranteed.

Of course, the answer is that Medina Spirit is both of these things at the same time. This is Shrodinger’s Horse.

Indeed I’ve been hearing buzz like that from the right.

At least as governor she’d be assigned a driver.

as governor she’d be assigned a driver.

… and a putter?

Even money says that when the recall fails, she’ll claim that she planned it that way, by deliberately sucking off votes that would otherwise have gone to Cox.

Of course I know it doesn’t work that way, but does she?

ETA: I did spend some time contemplating whether “sucking off” was the best phrasing choice I could have made, but ehh.

Your phrasing is indeed hard to swallow, but I think we can blow it off and wipe away the memory of it. You can’t spit out a gem every time.

^ pearls of wisdom

Oh, come now.

The founder of Students for Trump has been sentenced to 13 months in prison for fraudulently practicing law without a license.

He learned from the master.

Trump U.?

It’s grifters all the way down.

What are they going to do when the last dime has been vacuumed out of the Trump-loving sucker’s pockets?

Take their pants.

Tiffany and Vanessa (Donnie Jr’s ex) are being accused of getting “inappropriately close” to their Secret Service guards.