Classic Nintendo NES is BACK!

I bought a retro Atari 2600 preloaded with a bunch of games. Brought it home, played with it for about an hour, and then quickly lost interest.

It’s my understanding that it means four save slots per game. Though I guess that’s not really specified, is it?

Save slots are basically mandatory for anyone playing one of the Super Mario Bros. games, but especially Mario 3, if you’re doing it the long way without the Warp Whistles. I remember whiling away entire afternoons and evenings playing that game at my friends’ houses. (I didn’t have an NES growing up; I had a Sega Master System and later a Genesis).

Oh, I certainly would buy the NES version over the Famicom version…there’s two aspects I like more - the choice of FF games and the aesthetics of the system design…the other games that differ, the NES version’s list is better; all the physical aspects of the controllers are better; the fact that the games with dialogue are all in a language I have an actual mastery of is kind of required…

Were the 20/30/40/whatever-in-one Famicom carts, with adapters as common elsewhere as they were where I grew up?

id get this if someone gave it to me … I bought a soft hacked 1st gen x box with like almost everything bade before ps1 on it …Bought it at a professional yard sale ( I call it professional yard sale because its all this person does go to other yard sales/buys from people then fixes stuff up / resells it though his) guy didn’t know what it was because of the weird boot menu it has and it came with 4 hand lettered discs and he didn’t know anything about it except it wasn’t the xbox 360 he thought he was getting and and he acted like he was ripped off on the deal

Well I turned it on and read through a file list that had snes9x (which I last used years ago)and clicked on it popped in the disc and found one of the best snes emulators id ever seen …I do have to tweak it a bit to play snes games on it cause they run too fast and remap the controller Well I live near guy who sells used games and fixes the systems … turns out its one his his … he “mods” them then sells the whole system for 50 bucks using a glitch in a certain xbox game and I have about 30 1st to 3rd gen systems and portables on it and most of the games Only thing I wish I could get on it is MAME and you still can play original xbox games on it … …

I know the jap game companies loved making those espically Capcom… but I was always told the majority of those were just hacked games and illegal here in the us

nightshadea, I’m sure you didn’t realize this, but “Jap” is usually considered an offensive slur. You probably want to take the time to spell out “Japanese” in full.

Got mine this morning. I’ll say this right off the bat: The wires are too damn short. I hope there’s a wireless controller I can buy for this thing. Jeez!!

Dang, I miss me some old KOIE titles (yeah, some were SNES)

Back in the day I had a Playstation disc of classic Activision games and, yeah, I lost interest in replaying River Raid in about the time it took to microwave a burrito.

My six year old son has one of those “Six-in-One” games loaded into a joystick controller (Pac-Man, Pole Position, Galaga, etc) and likes it. He is on the autism spectrum and the broad muscle movements with the joystick works better for his range of motor skills than working the thumbs on a modern controller. Plus the games are usually colorful, simple and repetitive which is right in his wheelhouse.

I’ve been playing games since pre-Atari 2600 but skipped right over the NES era. By that time, I was gaming on my Commodore 64 and wouldn’t buy a new console until the Sega Genesis. So I have no special affection for Mario, Link, et al even as I acknowledge their importance in the grand history of video games. I think I notice the disconnect most with Japanese games, especially RPGs – I grew up on western style RPGs like Bard’s Tale, Might & Magic and the SSI Gold Box games instead of Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda and even today can’t muster much enthusiasm for that genre of video game RPG.

I’m sure there will be. In the mean time there are extensions for the controllers and you can just grab a longer HDMI cord and keep the console closer to you.

I managed to get mine ordered from Gamestop after spending about 2 and a half hours on their site last night. I don’t know when it’ll ship but if I can find it locally, I’ll cancel that one.

I’m disappointed that there is no Tetris. I’ve played different versions on different consoles but the old NES version is the one I always liked best.

Something annoying about the original Super Mario Bros. was that a player’s turn wouldn’t end until he died. So two-player games could be really frustrating, especially if Mario was an expert player and Luigi wasn’t. Does the NES Classic Edition emulation retain this trait?

I’m sure it does. The games are essentially unchanged.

Somehow it just seems wrong to have a computer system, any computer system, that can’t run Tetris.

If you did not get it now, you will have to wait a little (8) bit: :slight_smile:

Yeah, this alone is going to cripple sales. I know they have to pretend the ROM scene doesn’t exist, but they’re shooting their feet off even more than they have to, here.

They could at least have made it possible to buy more games for this system through an Internet portal they control. Granted, they couldn’t sell any licensed games without re-negotiating the licenses, but not even having the option of playing Tetris is just perverse. Re-selling old games is pure profit for them, but they’ve apparently foreclosed on that option entirely.

It’s not going to cripple sales; they’re going to sell as many of these as they can make, at least over the holiday season. It’s just a nostalgia/novelty thing, not a new console ecosystem they’re trying to start up.

There was a long line at Best Buy before they opened on Friday. I went by there to get a coaxial cable and waited in the queue 10 minutes before I figured out what everyone was in line for and I didn’t need to wait in it.

they wont do that because it will make the wii/wiiu/next system virtual console obsolete in which you can all buy some of the older games … although I think for the wii u they took off all the non Nintendo systems which if you have wii 1.0 you can buy still

and the best version of tetris was atari’s arcade version segas Japanese arcade game was a barley functional bombtris …

And besides if they follow the Atari flashback route the’ll make a new version once or twice a year with 5-10 games added on each time

30 games? No ability to expand? No cartridge support? What is the BFD? If any one of those points was different, maybe I’d consider.

Nobody is buying the new WiiU just for the virtual console.