Claustrophobia.. (spelling?)

If a person is claustrophobic… and doesnt tell anyone, does that make them a closet claustrophobic? And when they realise they are still IN the closet, do they have a claustrophobic attack?

Funny. :rolleyes:

hey, dont give me that look… i thought it was funny… its not offensive is it?

I thought it was funny, but I can see how it would be offensive.

It was a clever play on words, moc.liamtoh@rorrim, I’ll give you that.

But I don’t see humour in jokes that poke fun at those with phobias or other disabilities, sorry. Maybe it’s just me getting closer to fossil-dom. My “wet-blanket” sensors going into over-drive. I’ve known people striving for a normal life with claustrophobia, so your joke hit a little too close to home.

ok, well im sorry for the offence…

Disclaimer The OP you have just read may be offensive

Too late!

I don’t find it offensive, but I don’t think it was funny.

Santaclaustrophobia - the fear of being trapped in a chimney.