Clerihews, you make some.

For me, “-dal”* rhymes with neither ball nor butthole. Poetic license was taken. :cool:
*the sound of “open wide and say ah”, or the first vowel in solid.

Was Peter Peter, the pumpkin-eater a real person? Because that fits the style and predates ol’ Clerihew by a few years. :wink:

Andrew Zimmern
Went out for a swim, and
He opened up his beak
And swallowed the whole creek!

Bob Ross
Could paint like a boss
He could paint happy trees
Quicker than a sneeze.

Julia Child
Was a cook skilled and wild
On offal she’d dine
With tun of good wine.


Morley Safer
Gave many miscreants public and private much to pay for
Looking back on the history of 60 Minutes
The decline of hard-hitting investigative TV journalism in America is a sad thing, innit? :frowning:

Sir Walter Raleigh
Introduced tobacco from the Shenandoah Valley:
All went well till anti-smoker new king Jim
Imprisoned, and ultimately death-sentenced, him.

Robert Mugabe
Paid a brief visit to Derby*,
Where he was addressed by the Mayor:
“By ‘eck, tha’s sure mucked things up over there”.

*British pronunciation – “Dahby”

P.G. Wodehouse
Buys a good house.
With proceeds he receives
From Wooster and Jeeves.

Andrew Lloyd Webber.
What’s his latest endeavor?
I doubt it will be as popular
As Phantom of the Opera

Angela Lansbury
Success in a hurry, without a worry
When she started out in Mame
She found fame and ended up a Dame

Don McLean
What does that song mean?
That you’ll forever be known as the guy
Who hit fame with American Pie.

Robert Fulghum
He started earning a good income
With an essay that was spartan:
All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten.

Jeff Buckley
Your life ended unluckily
But success finally come to ya
Posthumously, with “Hallelujah”

Ukulele Ike
Found a crickety gig to like
Folks who read his resume would say “Isn’ he
Makin’ beaucoup bucks for Disney?”

Helen Lyndon Goff,
Born in Australia (which is pretty far off),
Sat upon her fanny,
And created a magical nanny.

Matt Groening
I’m not complaining
Your show is great, but oy vey!
The title makes me think of O.J.

Gregory McGuire
You should have aspired higher
Wicked had no equals
But we hardly need three sequels

Stephen Sondheim
You write a good rhyme
From West Side Story
To Sweeny Todd (considerably more gory)

Tim Rice
Word of advice
Your lyrics screwed up the Bible
Joseph and Jesus should sue you for libel

O.J. Simpson
Though you did win one.
The second trial made history.
Put you where you ought to be.

Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wrote quite a bit, you know
But seems remembered solely
For Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life among the Lowly.

Or as Edmund Wilson said, “If there is something to be said for the author’s claim that Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written by God, it is evident that the nine novels that followed it were produced without divine intervention by Harriet Beecher Stowe herself.”

A couple lately come to mind, about two prominent figures in the alternative-history field.
Harry Turtledove
Is an author whom many both hate and love.
He can display highly-imaginative vision;
But also, be the world’s worst for self-repetition.
S.M. Stirling,
Encountering some dervishes, whirling;
Said: Guys, on your religion I’m not keen –
I’ll write a new history, in which it’s never seen.

I had rather
Willa Cather
Hadn’t wrote
(end of quote).

Funny, but it would have worked just as well in the orthodox formatting.

That’s funny, a perfect case of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon: I was reading the wiki article about G. K. Chesterton two hours ago and passingly stumbled about the fact that he did write clerihews, which I had never heard of before. And now I see this thread, so I can’t leave it without my very first clerihew, and of course it’s about Dylan:

Bob Dylan
Was always thrillin’
Though the sounds from his throat
Sound to some like a goat

Clicked your link, learned something new and laughed out loud over the picture accompanying this wiki entry.

[Emphasis mine]

Be prepared to hear more about the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon in the next days ;).

ETA: and about shrimp, of course.