So int he past year I’ve killed two clothes washers. This may be simply coincidence, the first was fairly old, and the second was bought used at the Re-Store.
However, they died in exactly the same manner, so I’m wondering. First they began to clank loudly while changing from slow agitation to fast; no change in performance, just loud noise. Then the spin cycle would engage only occasionally - failing with increasing frequency. Then the spin cycle stopped engaging at all.
It reminded me of when my Olds Cutlass Cierra Brougham died in the early 90s. In that case it was the timing chain. It was missing “teeth” and if it stopped in the wrong spot, it wouldn’t restart, but if you could get it to turn a bit, it would work again until you turned it off.
Is there naything that might cause this kind of wear on a washer? The floor in there is not terribly level for instance; and I do tend to wash big blankets a lot.
Is it fixable? Or do I need to invest again?
I had a similar problem with my agitator, it eventually quit altogether.
There are a few (3-4?) plastic pieces called ‘dogs’ that are mounted inside that agitator that work like a ratchet; they catch going one way to move the agitator, then release the other way for it to re-set. They can get worn down and cease to function, and I would guess that having to agitate heavy blankets could lead them to fail quickly.
They just cost a couple bucks, and it probably took me less than 30 minutes to accomplish the repair.
Hm…reading back through your post, I’m not sure that addresses the the spin problem…
It might, if they are involved in getting the spin started. It hums and vibrates during spin, it just doesn’t get going.
Quite welcome, I hope it ends up being that simple!
If by some chance you’re still waiting on a fix, just had the same thing happen with another washer.
Ended up being a part called an activator or motor coupling. Still pretty simple to fix, $20 and maybe an hour.
Good, 'cause that’s the part I ordered, along with a new belt. They arrived today, I’ll rassle 'em in tomorrow. If I have any fingers left I’ll let you know how it went!