Clueless teen Jeopardy contestant

Aw, patriotism still exists in the world. That’s so quaint.

The IT industry was the poster child for new capitalism - many people I know (possibly even yourself) rode the high salaries, and the options, and the spiralling stock prices.

Well, welcome to old school capitalism. It hasn’t changed one little bit. If they can get someone to do the same job as you cheaper, they will. And they have. If you enjoy it on the upswing, you kind of lose the right to complain on the downside. Everyone thinks they are outsourcing proof right up until the time that Sandeep starts doing a better job for half the money.

Wow, maybe 86% of Americans really are this stupid and misguided. Time to start learning Cantonese I guess.

Nor the Cheney T-1000?

Sounds more like xenophobia to me.

Dear gawd…It’ll be weeks before I’m able to sleep now.

Can you imagine? Hundreds? Thousands of ill-tempered, pig-butt ugly, shot-gun wielding Dick Cheney cyborgs scouring the planet for political dissdents and pussies?

No options, no spiraling stock prices. Just a workaday programmer in this business for 35 years.

Sandeep isn’t doing a better job for half the money; he’s doing a really crappy job for half the money. But the first half of that statement is irrelevant to the CEO.

I thought this thread was gonna be about the Pussy Furry girl.

You’re right. Xenophobia is better. Sounds cooler, 'cause of the X!

[hijack]Exactly! Xs make everything better. I am playing this one fighting game right now where you can activate a power-up called X-Factor. And you can do it while playing as the X-Men! It makes me Xtremely Xcited! Xcellent! Xxxxxxx! foams at mouth[/hijack]

Ahem. Anyway, it’s not very nice of Trebek to disapprove of this kid’s dreams, considering he is a robot from the future.

Your love of the X is strong, Autolycus. Though I have to admit I stole that line from Futurama. (Not sure if you already knew that in which case, forget I said anything.)

Is there any xcape from this thread? ~hits the back button~

India has a huge population, many of whom are undereducated. The South Asian genius stereotype is based on a misunderstanding of a tiny minority–many of whom come to the West for education & opportunity (like the kid’s parents, I bet). Trebek was wrong, you are wrong, the kid knows what he’s talking about.

Me too. I wonder if she’s homeschooled.

Civilization as we know it will end because of ROBOTS!!! Who would have thought!!! Well, if we’re on Futurama… maybe Bender knew. But Bender lives a thousand years into the future… so of course he knew.

Also, China may already have won. If only they weren’t so dead set on copying everyone else.

There’s a difference?

Hey, it’s 2011. Elections have consequences…


No, just their moms…

I don’t think I agree with you very often, but I’m 100% on board with that post.

The OP is the clueless one here.

To be callous, he is doing a better job from the point of view of the CEO, when you include the compensation levels. That’s capitalism for you.

Yep. Your enemies are American CEO’s, not the third world labor they exploit.

Until we actually look, whereupon your super position collapses and we all wonder what the hell you’re bragging about, it being obvious that you are not one and taking a break from the other.