My van. My fun nice enjoyable 2001 Nissan Quest Minivan in champagne with running boards. I pit thee. Thou has turned thine back upon me.
I am driving down the highway out on a trip of about 100 miles. I’m 10 minutes from home yesterday. I feel shuddering in the wheels. Violent shuddering.
I’d been parked on snow at an angle and thought maybe I had snow or ice in the wheels. I pulled over, backed up and stopped short to get ice or snow out of the calipers, wheels, etc.
I get out on the road, pay a toll and am accelerating out of the toll. At 50-55, the shuddering returns and a few seconds later, the wheels lock. I start sliding fast, rotating around and around at 55 mph. I do two 360s, looking at cars bearing down on me before I slide off the highway into the guard rail. Backwards.
The right nose of my van is IN the right lane of the highway. I grab flairs, get out so I don’t get killed when some fool plows into the van. Set flairs in the right lane about 30 yards apart, call 911 and wait.
I am so fortunate. Nobody else was involved. If the road had been dry, the car would have jerked to the left when the wheels locked and then started rolling over. It was so slippery with slush, I just spun.
Now, there seems to be NOTHING WRONG. Come ON you fucking van- show your stuff so it can be fixed. My mechanic says that because I parked on a steep sidwards slope for 24 hours the day before, I might have gotten air bubbles in the steering fluid lines. Why this would only show a problem at 50 mph is beyond me, and WHY it would cause violent shuddering even if I was going straight is beyond me. They drained and replaced the power steering fluid, tightened the belt.
And I am just so fucking sure this will happen again at speeds. What the hell. They found nothing? These guys are good, I’ve used them for years. They do the work, they try different things, etc. If I get out on the highway and this locks up again, well. If I live I’ll be VERY pissed.
Anyone ever heard of this? Vibration and steering/ wheel lock due to air bubbles in the power steering lines?
Fuck. Frightening. Goddamned car. BEHAVE !!!