C'mon, SkipMagic, laugh a little

Hey, I wuz just funnin’ with you guys. I didn’t think you would take this so seriously.

And I didn’t really think you would shut it down. That’s a thread that was just catching its second wind. How about reopening it?

You violated a board rule while stating your intention to violate that rule and your knowledge of the fact that a mod would probably wander by and shut it down.

And then you Pitted the mod who did just that?

I’ve gotta think this guy’s main recreation is running headlong into brick walls.

Is it really a zombie thread if it’s in Threadspotting?

It was in Threadspotting on the front page. I think I can understand why **Clothahump ** thought it would be okay.


Question: did it make Threadspotting before or after Clothahump’s post?

Before his post. That is the only reason I am defending him. Otherwise I would agree.


Hmmm. That’s a fair question. Until you had mentioned this I thought it was a simple case of zombie resurrection myself.

If a zombie walks through threadspotting, is it a sound idea to post to it?

I might suggest that if board policy is to discourage posting to zombie threads, that any such zombie thread should be locked BEFORE it is touted in Threadspotting. That way we can ooh and ahh over the museum piece without any risk that it will be defaced by unthinking cads.

On the other hand, if it’s OK to post in such a zombie thread, people shouldn’t be chastised for posting in threadspotting-highlighted zombie threads.

Me, too, actually. I didn’t realize the thread had been spotted and stuff. Sorry about that, Clothahump.

We do close the majority of zombie threads for the usual reasons (e.g., the original posters are no longer here and cannot defend their posts; or the original posters might not hold those old views anymore, etc…), but we also allow some to be resurrected on a case-by-case basis (e.g., Coldfire’s May 5, 1945 - we shall remember.) For the thread in question today, however, I’d normally keep it closed because its original post was an apology to another poster and not something we really want to keep bringing up again and again. But, because it has been threadspotted, and because it had been hijacked in a humorous way, I’ll re-open it.

The OP’s link only showed one post, and I didn’t realize it was the current Threadspotting item. Never mind.

/Emily Litella

By the way, screw all you all for making me defend Clothahump.

It coulda been worse, I coulda been defending Updike.

That is very cool. It was a confusing situation, I clicked it early and read through and then I saw this pit thread and wondered what had happened.


To make things complete, Clothahump, you should request that this thread be closed, and apologize to Frank in the other thread for pitting him.


Link please, what thread?

dans l’OP.


As odd as it may seem, not every Pit of a Moderator is all about me. That was Skip. :smiley:

Go ahead and read the link. I’ll wait. :wink:


Hmm…I just realized that the OP’s link goes to a specific post, not to the whole thread. There you guys go. Sorry, Diogenes and Sentientmeat!


And when they’re not Pitting you, they’re setting traps for you. Sneaky little bastards.