c'mon someone else liked ST:Nemesis, right??....

It had a message?

(scratches head)

Oh, I remember. “If you have a ship with a cloaking device and a super-weapon that can destroy anything, and you can fire when cloaked, never turn your cloaking device off!”

Yeah, I was just talking about the Star Trek movies.
But since you bring it up, was the scene in Star Wars really that similar to the Nemesis one? I just remember Anakin flying into the docking bay, not flying through corridors and stuff. Of course, it is possible that I wasn’t paying close attention to what was going on. The movie had lost my interest by that point.

It was OK. The script just felt really rushed. I don’t like thinking “Now wait just a minute!” while I’m watching a movie. And they did absolutely no justice to the death of Data. I mean he was the best character I should have been in tears but I didn’t even work up a sniffle.

I was sad…oh well guess i am in a minority here.

I appreciated it more on a second viewing.

What do you call firing on the natives? A friendly game of tag?

in many episodes Picard has been faced with the question of whether or not to defend himself in a situation in which doing so would violate the prime directive. Now the Dune Buggy scene is questionable but it just means picard made what may have been an unwise desicion. He’s not perfect. He can do that. That’s the way i interpret it. Picard made an unwise decision in the heat of the moment and that doesent make the movie bad. Now whether John Logan thinks of it that way is anyone’s guess. But that’s what’s so cool about ST and one of the reasons i like it so much. Alot of the decisions the characters make are open to descussion and interpretation. There’s no one breathing down your neck saying “this was right, that is what you are supposed to think about that character’s action…”

but i digress…i think alot of people are nitpicking so much they are missing the real meat and bones of the plot. i.e. the question the movie asks. What makes you YOU? This movie made me think alot about that issue and that to me is more important then any of the minor plot holes.

I liked it.

One of the best Trek films IMO.

Of course, I hated the stupid whales one that everyone seems to love.

Besides it holds sentimental value for me. It’s the first Star Trek film I took my kids to see. The torch has been passed.

I had the same problem with it that I’ve had with other ST films – indifference. I just found it mildly interesting, but not engaging.

The stupid whales one was good because, while the plot was silly, the movie itself was funny. It had good jokes and decent comic actors.

But Nemesis takes itself far too seriously, while at the same time trying to force jokes into an otherwise stilted script.

But First Contact kicked ass.

I liked it when I saw it in the theatre and I admit to sniffling when Data died but when I rented it about six months later and rewatched it, I was indifferent.

Not too bad, but not great either. Like most Trek movies.

My main problem with the dune buggy scene wasn’t the breaking of the Prime Directive, although that whole planet sequence was handled badly. The problem was Picard runnin’ and gunnin’ like he was Kirk. Picard doesn’t act like that. And like FabioClone said, why even have the buggy in the first place?

The main theme with Shinzon could have been interesting, but they did a total hack job on it. “Mua-ha-ha, I’m evil, I’m going to destroy!!! I r00lz0rz!!!11!!11! Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son… or something.” And how exactly did he manage to build the Scimitar? Sure, the Remans had the physical resources, but they were bunch of slave miners. That they should have the mental resources is completely implausible.

And Fern Forest is dead on about

Data dying. There was zero emotional impact. And the whole B4 thing is ridiculous.

It blows. I bought the DVD anyway because I love Trek, but Nemesis killed the Trek movie franchise, or at least put it on long term hold.

I really hope DS9 gets the next movie.

I liked it.

I had a friend who misquoted it, and used that as her reason for disliking it.

I hate that.

I liked almost all of it. The dune buggy thing was really stupid.

I hope not, if the same people are going to write/produce it. I’d rather have no DS9 movie than a bad one.

Just in case it’s not clear what I thought about it… I liked it better the first time I saw it. When I got the DVD, I realised I was a little disappointed in it.

Still fun, tho.

What the hell you talkin’ about, Willis? DS9 had some of the best writing in the entire franchise.

I assume he meant the same people writing for a DS9 movie that wrote for Nemesis.

One thing that doesn’t bode well for a good DS9 movie being made is Ira Steveh Behr no longer being in the fold. He was one of the driving forces behind the greatness of the series.

It was okay. I was miffed that the plot was basically a reworked ST: TWoK and there were a lot of things in it which could have been done better. Of course, I also don’t hate the Star Trek film that none dare name and didn’t enjoy First Contact at all.

The best part, though (besides the trailer), IMHO, was the shot of Data leaping from one ship to the other.