c'mon someone else liked ST:Nemesis, right??....

You aren’t the only one, Tuckerfan.

Star Trek: The Final Frontier has a bum rep!

Psst! Check out the 10th post after the OP!


You counted the OP as one, didn’t you? I said the 10th post after the OP. Not the 10th post in the thread!

Oh, nebbermind.

Nope. Your post is the twelfth. Or eleventh, going by your method.

Hmmm. I double and triple counted it. Wonder where I screwed up.

Logging on.

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

yup tuckerfan’s post is 11th.

The dune buggy scene was as jarringly awful as the scene in ST VI (Undiscovered Country) where they showed all the pots and pans being used in the galley (Replicators? What replicators?)

However, the single worst moment for me was when Data took a running jump out of the hole in the enterprise hull and managed to somehow reach the distant Scimitar (which was, what – 1/2 mile away? 1 mile?) in under 2 minutes.

As for the “theme” of the movie, I’m afraid it just didn’t resonate with me very much. First, because the Shinzon character was too darn evil (in a comic booky way), second, because they covered the same ground previously in the ST:TNG episode where Commander Riker found out he had a “transporter clone,” and third, because it just isn’t that original of a concept to begin with.


I liked it too, though I agree with a couple of the ways it could have been improved.

There was also a bunch of air that got expelled with him. I figured they were using that as a propellant. When he hit the other ship it easily looked to me like he could have been going 15 MPH.

I didn’t hate Nemesis. I enjoyed it just fine, although I thought the dune buggy scene didn’t really seem to fit or add much. And there was really no explanation why people just suddenly turned up and attacked them. I’m not sure I was too crazy about the B4 angle – when they found the head, I first thought it was going to be Lore, and he would end up put back together… Maybe if they’d developed the B4 bits better.

It was an OK movie. I’ll admit to being upset by Data’s death, but later I realized that they’re probably planning to “reincarnate” Data thru B4, which ruined the emotional impact of Data’s death. Frankly, I hope that they realize their mistake and kill off B4 in the next movie (assuming another Trek movie gets made.)

The dune buggy scene was cool, but from a Trek standpoint it was ridiculous. Not only did they flagrantly violate the Prime Directive, but there was no reason for them use the dune buggy. The mission would have been faster, easier, and safer if they stayed in the shuttle.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot this: The dune buggy scene was basically product placement. If you watch the end credits, there’s a whole bunch of info about the company that built them.

It freaked me out hearing the leather creaking in theater stereo whenever Shinzon walked around.