CNN's Chris Cillizza

Who is this guy? Is he supposed to be someone special? It seems everyday CNN’s web page has something like Cillizza: Clinton has Only Herself to Blame. Sometimes (like today) there are two Cillizza: statements. Who cares what this guy thinks? Is he an authority on everything? Am I supposed to pay special attention because Cillizza says it? If he’s going to express an opinion or editorialize his stuff should be under those headings. As it is, it makes it look like its actual news that he’s speaking about something.

Cillizza has been writing The Washington Posts’s ‘The Fix’ column - and running its team of political writers - for at least 10 years. He’s essentially one of TWP’s primary political correspondents and knows the players and the issues pretty well.

Edited to add: This month it appears he switched flags to CNN from TWP. That’s a strong pick up for the network.

CNN hires Chris Cillizza (3/13/17)

What drives me nuts is that he is getting more visibility around the same time as The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, another plain-faced dark-haired with small glasses kinda guy.

Lizza. Cillizza. Oy.

Cillizza also helped bring the EpiPen pricing controversy out into the public (he has sons which require them) last fall.

I checked out of rabid news following a while back for my own sanity so I missed this jump for him but best of luck. Liked his WP stuff and attitude on Twitter.

I distinguish them via my not-particularly-reasonable translation of Chris Cillizza’s name to “Chrysalis Ahhh.”

More to the point, Lizza is more of a writers’ writer, doing long-form journalism; Cillizza is more of a talking head.