Cocteau Twins

I have only heard a few songs by them here and there, but I really like them a lot.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a first Cocteau Twins album. Which one is best for a beginner?

By the way, how did they get their name? It makes me think of the brother and sister in Les Enfants Terribles, but I dunno…

Four Calendar Cafe is quite good.

Heaven or Las Vegas.

Heaven or Las Vegas definitely.
I love them and was very sad when they broke up :frowning:

Don’t try to decipher the lyrics, you’ll just get a headache:)
For me HorLV brings memories of driving up along the coast from SF to Mendocino in beautiful sunny weather.

Another vote here for “Heaven or Los Vegas”. It’s perhaps their most immediately tuneful and accessible.

Well I like Head Over Heels.

Yet another vote for Heaven or Las Vegas.

Also, check out Liz Fraser’s vocals on the last Massive Attack album.

Hey thanks…I gues it’s Heaven or Las Vegas.

The last Massive Attack album…was that Mezzanine? I loved that. The female vocalist is also the girl from Cocteau Twins?

Damn, so much to digest. Thanks again, all. I need to go look at a Cocteau Twins webpage now.

I’ll chime in with a minority opinion and say The Pink Opaque. I’m probably biased because it has my favorite Cocteau Twins song on it, “Lorelei.” I think this is the album that most clearly defined the Cocteau Twins’s style.

They have an official website at

That’s her on Mezzanine, Her name is Elizabeth Fraser. Great Album.

I also vote for HorLV by the Cocteau Twins.

Skipped over Montfort’s post before I replied. Must be because…(Nah, we can leave football out of ONE thread, can’t we, Monty?) :wink:

Blue Bell Knoll. But then again, that album provided the soundtrack to the night I lost my virignity, so I may be a little biased. (Good memories and all that.) I don’t talk to the girl any more, but I still listen to the album.

Ah, my first “favorite band.” I have all their albums and my three favorites are:

  1. Heaven or Las Vegas
  2. Blue Bell Knoll
  3. Victorialand

About the impossibility of deciphering Liz Fraser’s lyrics: firstly, her speaking voice has such a heavy Scottish accent it’s almost impossible to understand her anyway; secondly, during the '80’s the Cocteaus were known for doing lots and lots of drugs, especially when they were recording. I haven’t seen them live but I’ve heard bootlegs, and the words are much easier to understand. Fraser said in an interview that she never actually wrote any lyrics down; she just listened to what the other two (Simon Raymonde and “mental block”–I’m typing this from work) came up with in the form of instrumentals and sang the first thing that came into her head, though she usually stuck with those lyrics afterwards. They don’t make bands like that anymore, sadly.

In the last post–“mental block” is Robin Guthrie. I knew I’d remember eventually…

Their name comes from a Simple Minds song.

Some of their lyrics are Gaelic.

Heaven or Las Vegas is their most accessible album, but it’s not a favorite of most of the longtime, hardcore Cocteaus fans I know, who seem to usually consider Treasure the best.

Personally the only album of theirs I really like is Garlands.

I’d give my nod of approval to either Heaven or Las Vegas or Pink Opaque.

Oooo… Pink Opaque. Definitely. Heaven or Las Vegas next.

Umm, I guess we can.

(Go Eagles!!!)

Pretty much anything before the lyrics become intelligble is good.

Just wanted to put my good word in. If you guys like CT, then you might want to check out STOA, kinda remind me of DCD with a a little bit of CT thrown in, and a heapin helping of modern etheral/goth sound.