Code word/sentance for "I'm horny"

I’m really lonely. You?

In Quantum of Solace Bond says, “I can’t find the stationery. Come and help me look.” And a woman he has just met is instantly in bed with him. I’m going to try that line.

And she laters drowns in oil.

“Did you whistle?”

From ¿Pitaste?, a popular Dominican song about just that. It’s actually not a secret, pretty much any Dominican would know what you are talking about if you ask them.

“Would you like to go have a discussion?”

Funny thing is, at one point or another, my parents found out about the code word, so an occasional “Sorry, couldn’t get the phone, the wife and I were having a discussion” surfaces.

Around the office, the guys talk about the weather when something mate-able walks by. “Say, have you checked the weather lately?” Followed by “Yeah, it’s gonna HOT, but it’s not the heat, it’s the Humidity

It has LOTS of modifiers, the weather being what it is, you an add wind-chill, location, ‘The temperature will be 80, but it feels like 98

Chicken pot chicken pot chicken pot PIE!


Oh, and now thats my fault!?

Coulda been kinky. At any rate, she’s ‘stationary’ now.

I’d actually like to amend mine. It’s really a challenge-response pair.

“Are the kids asleep?” (Wanna shag?)
“The kids are asleep.” (Yes. Like monkeys.)

I had a girlfriend who would just give me the look, and I’d know what was up. She didn’t have to say anything. I could never figure out how to do it myself, though. Whenever I tried, she would just look back at me and go “What? What? What the heck are you looking at me like that for?” Then she would check if she had something between her teeth or something. So I usually had to resort to “Uh… you want to… you know, go to bed?” I really should have had a code word.

Daddy needs his medicine

My ex-girlfriend and I discussed this. We concluded that sex was like pizza. Pizza can be great. You can have it this way or that way. It’s good right out of the oven and cold the next morning. You can have a pizza slow-cooked over a fire or a quickie out of the microwave. Even when it’s not that good of a pizza, it’s still okay.

The point being, there’s no such thing as bad pizza.

So, our code was “wanna grab some pizza?” And then try to keep from laughing.

I want your hot dog in my buns.

What do you say when you actually want to go eat pizza?

These pretzels…are making me THIRSTY.

I asked this question once, and was amazed that the ‘look’ was more of a rarity than a common occurrence.

She’s horny: “You Masher…!”
I’m horny: “What can I say? I’m just a Masher…!”

*An elderly female relative once called me a “Masher” for daring to kiss my then GF/ now wife in public while we were walking to the local Independence Day fireworks…

Hey, I’m not running you down; I’m admiring the artistry.

I like the one where the code phrase is “do the laundry”, and the husband asks a bit before bedtime “Honey, can we do the laundry tonight?” and she fobs him off with some excuse or other. Later, in bed, she feels remorseful (or horny, maybe) and says “Honey, we can do the laundry now if you want to,” and he says “That’s all right. It was only a small load and I did it by hand”. :smiley: