Coders: What do you think of Code Academy?

Heard much or anything about it? Do you have an opinion as to whether it is of any value for someone who wants to learn coding/programming/whatever-the-kids-are-calling-it, in hopes of someday being able to use the skill for fun and, hopefully, someday, profitable hireability?

I think it’s nifty.

I did the web fundamentals HTML/CSS course, and while I don’t think I’m ready to design sites or anything, I have a better understanding of how sites work.

They’re good, but I preferW3Schools myself.

It’s like the bare bones basic introduction. You’re not going to be able to make a big project or get hired by doing Code Academy, but you’ll be able to find out if you like programming or not. Kinda like taking Comp Sci 101.

For example, during downtime at work, we front-end web developers would do the Javascript courses. We couldn’t really build anything ourselves after just that, but we could get an understanding of the Javascript the back-end developers were doing and maybe find where we could tweak something.


It’s a fun distraction at work sometimes. So are code challenges like SPOJ.

Hmmm…I never heard that before. They have been helpful to me in learning some basic concepts.

I’m using it to get a better handle on javascript and finding it enjoyable.

Going to codecademy is a bit like taking programming 101 at community college.

W3Schools is a bit like looking over a not particularly attentive student’s notes from that community college.

They both have their place, and if you’ve developed something else, it’s probably not a bad way to get your feet wet in a language before you move on to bigger and better things. But anybody looking at either of those websites and thinking they’re ready for full-time development is in for a sore surprise.

That’s not to say you need to go to college to become a programmer, just that sites like that (and from what I can tell, the 3 month bootcamps out there) are not going to turn you into the next John Carmack. Maybe you’ll get an underpaid, overworked job with one, but it will be hard to get past that.