CoH: Is the SDMB SG still working?

What is going on with the University? Is that going to add some form of crafting to the game?

Is it going to be finished in Issue 5?

The University was to add a skill system to the game. It was (I think) originally slated for I-5, but it failed Statesman’s first requirement - it wasn’t fun.

They may have it ready for I-6. **Toaster ** is a little more knowledgeable, and she may know more.

Universities will not be functional in Issue 5. Their stated purpose is to allow the addition of non-combat skills (e.g.: a skill which adds the location of glowies to your map) but the Devs are having trouble coming up with a workable system.


You know those glowing & humming objects your’re supposed to click on? One skill taught in the universites will mark at least the last one on your map so you don’t have to wander all over hell & creation to find it.

To amplify on Lute’s apparently somewhat cryptic explanation:

No one is sure what the Skills system will do. At least two systems have been designed and scrapped because they weren’t fun enough. Speculation on things you will be able to use Skills for eventually includes such things as finding clues (respresented as glowing/flashing thingies) more easily on mission maps, acquiring temporary powers, and finding/generating additional missions. However, that’s pretty much all player guesswork, and some of it is based on info for the scrapped Skills systems.

Like the bodybags or computers you need to find in missions?


Being able to find the last glowie easer, for example. :slight_smile:


Something I’d like to see added, which I never understood why it was ommitted, is the customization of your powers.

Like the color of energy you blast, the design of your gun, or shape of your force field.

That’s an easy one.

They decided against customization because of server load.

Remember: if it shows up on your screen, then it has to show up on every other screen your character is on.

As opposed to the fantastically different player models possible? I think not… There’s gotta be WAY more data in that player model than the 64 bits needed to change the colour of a blast. And they could even limit it to perhaps 10 colours, and I would be happy.
In anycase, the only reason I’m here now is because Virtue is down. I5?

I doubt it. There should be mention of all servers being down for a few hours but the official site doesn’t say anything.

I was summoned but ah, I see everything is answered up as good as can be.

Please don’t hesitate to hit up diku’s link to our stuff, it has a message board we keep lots of information and all on, plus a big picture gallery if you want to put up screenshots without ads or anything. But that message board, and the global chat, is where almost everyone talks and exists, organize Task Forces and the like. (The Membership list is severely, massively outdated. I can’t update it myself though, without people volunteering to me their characters’ information. Ah well.)

If you have questions about ANYTHING in the game, why people do certain things, what does this mean, what do I do now, tell me about enhancements, etc., don’t hestitate to ask in Global Chat. I (@Culex) am on quite often, and can always help, as can quite a few others. The chat can be empty at some times of the day, but it’s populated all but mornings, and some very late nights typically.

You do NOT have to be in Virtue’s CECIL branch to join our Global Chat (we’re thinking of making an alternate branch or two for those of us who’ve filled up Virtue already with characters), just be a Straight Dope reader. I have a tendency to ask clarification on your SDMB Username, but even lurkers are absolutely permitted. I just don’t want random evil non-Dopers to join in the chat room and foul it up with their…evilness. That and who knows? Maybe we know who you are and like your posts a lot. And having extra Dopers around to do TFs or what have you with is nice for many of us.

If you do have a character (up to three) on Virtue who you’d like to be in CECIL, just holler in the Global Chat room, someone should either be able to take care of you, or direct you to someone who can. There’s no level limit to joining or anything.

There. Maybe that’ll hook up some lonely players.

I’m excited. Thursday, the wife and kid go to visit her mother out of town (in a good way…she’s not leaving me!) and I’ll have plenty of free time to play a TF on Virtue.

Level 16 Blaster LFT!

I5 is here!

[Anakin] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! [/Anakin]

I just made a new Sonic/Energy Blaster, and so far it’s pretty meh. Sonic doesn’t get a snipe. Chemical Aijoo, LFT. We do get a cone sleep, which is good for soloing, I guess, but I don’t really see how this set works yet. Maybe someone will get a Sonic Blaster to some decent level, and then we’ll see how it goes.

I had a Sonic/Ice Blaster on test and he did quite well.

I could be wrong but I think Shout is supposed to be the snipe.

Seems I am wrong, I finally found range info for Sonic Blast. Shout is more along the lines of a single-target Buckshot. Strange.