Cold drinks that are good hot?

Is sake always warmed?

No, sake (particularly the higher quality stuff) is often served chilled.

Heated ale used to be a thing and apparently is becoming a bit of a thing again.

Oh, and how about good old hot milk at bedtime?

And water with a slice of lemon is good cold or boiling.

I guess it’s all relative. I remember one time when I camping I was so thirsty that when I finally got my only beer of the day which had been sitting out in the sun and it was hot I drank it and it was delicious.


This. heat it up like coffee and drink it as such. Very good.

Hot Dr Pepper with lemon is my go-to hot drink when I have a cold, and sometimes just as a change of pace from afternoon tea.

Milo - Australia’s contribution to highly sugared brown powder mixable with either with hot or cold milk. Yum!

I was very fond of Rose’s Lime Juice as a child [ no other brand has quite the taste, and I don’t think it is as sharp as it used to be ]. As a cordial, using hot water on a winter’s night was interesting.

*It did not take long to prepare the brew and thrust the tin heater well into the red heart of the fire; and soon every field-mouse was sipping and coughing and choking (for a little mulled ale goes a long way) and wiping his eyes and laughing and forgetting he had ever been cold in all his life. *

The Wind in the Willows

I like warm tomato juice.

Gazpacho soup?

No, they don’t. They heat up milk and add that to chocolate sauce, which comes in a powder and is pre-mixed with hot water.

This was basically what I was about to say. I’ve made other instant drink mixes such as Crystal Light with hot water when the weather was cold.

This is my go-to (hot) whenever I have a cold. Knocks it right out of me! Even better than hot tea with lemon and honey.

I’ve tried it cold, and the honey just doesn’t dissolve properly. Pity! :frowning:

Warm beer is a thing in a number of places (England, f’rinstance). The method of brewing (top or bottom fermentation) actually determines how you should drink beer (warm or cold).

It was still a thing in the 1960s. Supposed to squeeze in a slice of lemon too, as I recall. I never thought it was as good as it was cold though.

And speaking of Dr. Pepper, I feel it has changed and for the worse. I really used to like it, but since returning to the US, I swear it tastes completely different. I first noticed it my last couple of visits here this century before moving back.

Actually, I suppose you could dissolve the honey while the tea is hot and then let it cool. That would work. I’d put it in a Mason jar and give it a good shake, once it’s chilled.

I always carry a few of those sugar free iced tea packs designed to be added to a bottle of cold water. I add them to hot water at work–easier than a tea bag and sweetner, and a totally different drink. Good, too, and they come in a variety of flavors.

Cranberry juice. Just had a glass for the first time. I love the stuff cold, but it’s a chilly morning and I thought I’d try it heated up. Very nice!!

“warm beer” is meant to be served at just below room temperature, not actually hot.

In China, a traditional cold remedy is coca-cola boiled with ginger.