Colin Powell is NOT black!

Well we can dig it.

Who’s the not-so-black, but rather Jamaican S.o.S.
That’s a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right…

My own creation: :WTF:

THAT’S the smiley I need!

OK, that was funny. :smiley:

The OP, in contrast, isn’t.

Damn. I had used him as a model to paint my lawn jockey. I must use someone more convincing, like Vin Diesel or Condoleeza.

I submitted this one for the first great smiley election…

…but it fell at the first hurdle; Waaah! I’m leaving this board forever!



But his cat’s breath smells like soul food.


This was my understanding as well. Jamaicans seem to have no qualms being called black, but they do get upitty when you call them African-American. I think the OP is highly misguided (as well as a total jack-ass). I hope in the future you put a little more effort into your rants.

As for all the extra smiley faces, just out of curiosity, where do you guys make these up? Some of them are absolutely great (I love the vomiting one, especially).

I always wondered about that kind of thing. Race and ethnicity are not always mutually inclusive. A lot of “self-identification” forms I’ve filled out have asked me if I was African-American. I think what they really wanted to know was if I was black. As far as I’m concerned, a white person from South Africa is just as much an African-American as any black person from the same place. This just underlines the main problem with the term “African-American”: it substitutes a vague, overbroad locale for a specific, descriptive racial term. There’s nothing wrong with being black. There’s nothing wrong with being African-American. But they are not the same thing.

That’s an awsome smiley!!

Now this begs the question. What is an “African-American”? Is it a naturalize citizen from Africa? Or is it just someone who at one time had an African ancestor? Does that make a an “Irish-American”?. If so would that make me a minority? Or should we base our ethnicty on our country of origin? Of course this would cost a number of people their officially santioned vicitm status. That won’t happen.

What exactly is “black”? Also, how do you know his parents think they are better than “blacks”? What do you mean by “just like everyone else”? Their is a certain amount of racism/classism that your OP implies, I think you would do yourself a service if you clarified things a bit.

Incidentally, I think of Colin Powell as a person and not a representative of a particular crayon color. I think Colin has reason to believe he is better than most people (I’m not saying he does though), based on the fact that he holds an extremely important office, not because his parents are Jamaican.

Why am I the last one to find out these things?

I must get myself a new TV, in my B&W one everybody looks gray.

Considering that I would be English-Irish-Russian Jewish-American, I don’t think the lengthy descriptions would really catch on. And I’m NOT European, so why would I refer to myself as European-American? I don’t think I’ve ever run into anybody personally offended by the term “black.”

Condi Rice…she’s still a “sister”, though. Right?

Nah, she likes may-o-naze.

What the heck are you babbling about? Yes, you are an “Irish-American.” Where the heck do you think this idea of calling people African-American started up? In the northeast, because everyone was calling themselves Italian-American, Irish-American, Polish-American, etc., blacks decided they wanted to join in and went with African-American.

You still aren’t a minority. That whole officially sanctioned victim status thing makes sense.

How does that make her not a sistah? Ja Rule likes it - I know because on some MTV show he had his personal chef whip some up from scratch for his turkey sandwich. And I know you aren’t going to say Ja Rule isn’t real…he even had a song about ihow real he is with Jennifer Lopez.