Yes, there is other news than the Clinton v Trump debate…
The Western Hemisphere’s longest running armed conflict marks an important milestone today (Sept 26, 2016) with the signing of a peace accord following several years of negotiation between the parties. The signing is set for 5pm local time (6pm EDT in US) in Cartagena.
A final peace accord was announced back on August 24, 2016. The deal will be signed today with pens fashioned from bullet shell casings. The deal is subject to a referendum vote by the Colombian people in early October.
The war with the FARC has been ongoing since 1964. A quarter million died (including the father of step-daughter Iggyette). Generations have never known peace.
My read is that negotiations took so long, that many Colombians largely don’t care about or fear the greatly weakened FARC anymore. A near tie with only 37℅ turnout. Maybe they can come up with something just a bit more appealing if the FARC is willing to give up a bit, like the congressional seats.
Mis Colombianos are telling me that the amnesty was the bigger issue, though the guaranteed seats in the Congress were considered far too disproportionate as well.
Well, of course the prospect of amnesty was always a tough one, but without some measure of amnesty, there’s really no deal to be had. Not a lot of incentive to confess your crimes, surrender your arms and submit to limited movement within a specified zone if there’s no amnesty on the table.
Giving up some/all of the congressional seats and/or barring those who confess to serious crimes from serving in congress are the only real wiggle room to work with.
Related news from Oslo as Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring the armed conflict with the FARC to a close.