Comb over - Do you have one?

Why? Do you think you are fooling anyone? Do you think it looks good?

Actually, no, in fact – I have just the opposite. My hairline is receding a bit; it’s not too bad yet, and I use the most extreme point of the recede to mark the part in my hair. That puts the part a little high, but I do that for two reasons; first, it’s easy to figure out where the part goes, and second because if I try to part my hair any lower it does look like a bad combover. But it sure accents the fact that I’m not hidin’ anything up there.

I comb my nose hair over my eyelids to make it appear as if I have lashes and brows after that fire. Does that count?

I was going to say the same thing about my ear hair! I tie it in a knot in the middle of my forehead. :cool:

I’ve seen a comb-over with a ponytail. I’m convinced he was fooling at least himself.

No. I made the decision last year to keep my hair cropped quite close instead.

Combovers are generally tragic, although I did see one once that was really incredibly convincing - it really was impossible to tell it was combed over.

So how do I know it was a combover? I went swimming with the guy - he dived into the water as himself, and surfaced as Max Wall.

People have been ridiculing the combover for many years now. It’s hard to believe anyone still does it.

This little fellow would like a word with you, Thudlow Boink:

Why,yes.Yes I do.

Through the miracle of hide glue and liquid nitrogen mine is held in tsunami form,but it only fools certain Trobrianders.Westerners are so jaded.

It’s great for starting threads on message boards too.

Ravishing,I tell ya.

The worst ones I’ve seen are when the men only comb over the front part of the hair, leaving a huge bald spot in the middle.

If I let my hair grow out, it would end up looking really bad because of the way my hair receded. (I could see a preview on my older brother). So, I keep mine buzzed down to 2mm. The addition of a neatly trimmed beard keeps my head looking “balanced” instead of bald. My wife thinks it is sexy, so I have stayed with it.

I had the beginnings of one two years ago and hated the way it looked. I went out and bought some clippers. Now I keep my head in a state of near baldness all the time. It’s so much better than my old look.

My problem is my parting was always on something of an extreme angle when I had hair, and on the opposite side to most people’s. Now, when my hair is long enough to be combed, it looks more like a combover than it ought to, even though it’s not meant as one.

My hair has always looked dorky, and the less I have, the dorkier it gets.

Totally sucks.

I think some men look fine with a combover and others look just plain skeevy. I may be prejudiced but I think TikkiDad fit in the first category. He went bald so young that I have no memories of him with a full head of hair. I do have plenty of memories of him with a combover. Of course he knew he wasn’t fooling anyone, but I think it was just a more accepted look back then. About twenty years ago, he decided to lose the long hairs and has been comboverless ever since. He looks fine that way too.

I have seen the combover/ponytail combo miamouse mentioned. Yeah, that looks skeevy. On that guy, at least.

I comb my pubes straight upwards so that they poke out of my shirt collar and I look like Tony Shalhoub. Yeah, they’re nice and long.

Give up the Ghost!
I have yet to see ANY combover that looks good. ANY. EVER.

Myself I buzz my hair short and prefer that look. You aren’t fooling anyone and if you SO loves you they would tell you. If my SO let me go out of the house with a combover because she didn’t want my feelings to be hurt I would be pissed! I never had a combover, but I was trying to pretend I still had hair :slight_smile: Luckily my lovely wife was very instrumental in getting me to see that my hair was long gone and to give up the ghost that once was my hair. We recently had two guys start here with combover and I wanna smack em everytime I see them.

I think that they fool themselves by looking directly in the mirror and it looks good–unfortunately it is a three dimensional world, and look left or right and…not good!Not good at all. AT ALL.

Exactly my experience. I kept my hair so short starting about 17 that it was impossible for me to go to a combover. I didn’t want to be like Dad and always have to stand with the wind coming from the left.

I recently saw…horror of horrors… a combover mullet.


It was worse than the emo-mullet I saw last year!

The guy looked to be in his 30s or so, and he had a combover attempting to cover up the top of his head, along with short hair in the front, and LONG hair from the back of his head down to his shoulders.

Yeesh. I do the caesar thing, but my hair’s short enough that it doesn’t really matter.
My dad does the combover, and has as long as I’ve known him :wink:

For the record, the goatee is the new combover.

But have you seen these?

Amazing Combover 1
Amazing Combover 2