Come on baby, make it hurt so good

I’d hardly describe myself as a masochist. Actually, I’m kind of squeamish when it comes to pain. But aren’t there some sensations that, though painful, just feel strangely good? My examples: [ul][]Alcohol on a fresh cut[]Getting a vaccination[]Cold wind (or even ice) blowing on my face (up to a point, anyway)[]Aching in muscles after exercisingEating spicy food (again, up to a point)[/ul]Especially the last one. I love spicy food, but the sensation of “spiciness” is basically pain.

I agree with your last two, but that thing about alcohol is positively ridiculous, lol.

I can’t explain exactly what feels good about it. There’s a certain coolness to it. shrug The knowledge that bacteria are dying by the millions also doesn’t hurt, but now I’m reaching :wink:

2.x words for you “Q-Tip Orgasm”.

You have competition, lol.

I don’t think it’s freaky so much as very very odd. I’ve felt alcohol on an open wound and I find it unpleasant, myself.

I know I’ve found alcohol on an open wound useful and somewhat enjoyable at times.

Then I find another girlfriend.

Somtimes, on rare occasion, I like to bend my toes in a way that almosts feels like a muscle is being pulled and it kinda locks up. It hurts, but feels good at the same time. :confused:

Piercings. I don’t know why, though.

Popping my wrist. It becomes possible only after sleeping in the daytime, I don’t know why that is. But when I wake up from a daytime nap, I feel like I have to pop my wrist by pressing on the back of my hand. Sometimes it pops easily, other times it hurts a little. But it always feels satisfying to pop it, as though my body came with its own built-in bubble wrap.

lifting weights
really cold weather, like 20 degrees below
a good massage can hurt a little too, but its worth it.

[ul][li]First man “Why are you hitting your head against the wall?”[/li][*]Second man “Because it feels so good when I stop.”[/ul]

Jomo Mojo - I never found it pleasurable to pop any joint. Maybe I’m in the minority on that one, since so many people seem to do it so often.

Anyway, I can’t believe I left one off my list: [ul]That wasabi feeling[/ul]If you’ve ever eaten sushi and taken a little too much wasabi, you know exactly what I’m talking about. (Now, I make it a point always to take a little too much wasabi.) You can get a comparable effect by eating a bunch of wasabi peas in one mouthful. Come on, somebody has to be with me on this one…

Oh yeah, forgot about cracking joints…
[li]All ten fingers[/li][li]All ten toes[/li][li]Both elbows[/li][li]Neck[/li][li]Back[/li][li]Left side of my jaw[/li][/ul]

Almost like a charlie horse? I do that too.

My personal vote: scratching a mosquito bite until it bleeds, and then putting on some of that anti-itch gel. It stings soooo good!