Saw it last week, not a BAD movie, but it was better when it was titled THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES.
Seriously- same plot outline- man’s wife dies mysteriously, unexplained events happen to man, eccentric stranger approaches man with explanation involving contacts from spirit world, man’s pursuit of such contact opens him to attack from evil spirits.
Also, the EVPs created for the movie were less scary than the supposedly authentic ones used in the previews, EXCEPT for the visual ones. SHIVERS
Alas, neglected in all this is the US introductions of EVP- the book BREAKTHROUGH by Dr. Konstantin Raudive, translated in 1971, and kinda chilling. I used to have the book back in the day but traded it at a used book store long ago. Yes, I wish I had it back. Also, William Peter Blatty’s memoirs I’LL TELL THEM I REMEMBER YOU in which he used EVP to try to contact his departed mother, and his novel-sequel to THE EXORCIST titled LEGION, made into the movie THE EXORCIST III but w/o the EVP subplot. I still hope (in vain, I am sure) for a film to be made which actually follows the story of LEGION.