Commercials backfiring

Way back in the 1950s or so, there was a TV advert for Strand cigarettes, which featured a moody-looking but handsome man waiting in the street in a rainy “ciné noir” atmosphere, until he lights up and the slogan “You’re Never Alone With a Strand” came up. All very arty and up to the minute, but by repute it killed the brand.

Since then, there’s been a whole industry of reverse psychological attempts at “So bad it’s good” marketing, with the advertisers playing on the annoyingness of the ad and trying to make it a virtue in the hope of it being all the more memorable. One example was the “Do the Shake’n’Vac” advert (a really annoying earworm, but it seemed to work). At the moment here, it’s a pseudo-Caruso tenor advertising an insurance comparison website, and a tedious couple of characters advertising oak furniture (“No veneer in 'ere!”). But there you are, I’ve remembered them, so they can’t be that bad, can they?

HeadOn; Apply Directly to the Forehead. HeadOn; Apply Directly to the Forehead. HeadOn; Apply Directly to the Forehead. HeadOn; Apply Directly to the Forehead. HeadOn; Apply Directly to the Forehead…

I don’t eat there because of their commercials myself. If they’re not blattering about how disgustingly messy their food is (and soggy burger bun would trip my gag reflex HARD), they have Paris Hilton sleazing across the screen, and I loathe her.

Movie trailers count as commercials, right?

There’s an upper limit for me with trailers for a movie. Two minutes is about right: it can get me hyped for the movie, gives the basic plot without spoilers, and lets me know who is in the cast.

Three minutes is pushing it. Four minutes or more, and they’ve basically summarized the whole movie to the point where I don’t even need to go see it anymore. Comedies and romantic movies are especially bad at this, as they give away all the best jokes/moments. I can’t even think of a comedy or romantic movie I’ve seen in theaters in the past ten years, purely because they’re marketed badly.

There’s a trailer currently running for Zootopia that hasSloths running the DMV. It could be a funny bit, but just like the sloths, it goes on waaaaaaaaay to long. Since they don’t show anything else about the movie, it makes me suspicious that that bit is the only funny part in the film (and it’s just not that funny).

Along the same lines is the Mazda(?) commercial where a teen starts out with a used sports car, and follows him through life and vehicle changes to a eventually a wife, kids and mini-van.

Then he’s back in a new sports car, reminding him of “when you, were you”. I immediately think that him getting married and having kids completely ruined his life.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed what was going on with the “I’m never letting go!” commercial. I can’t believe that thing is still o.

My choices:

  1. A few years back, Quiznos ran an ad about a sandwich maker who was so obsessed with his job that he let all the other parts of his life go. Which was fine, until they panned past the guy’s birdcage, showing his parakeet belly-up in the bottom. Uh…yeah. I want to associate your food with some guy who lets his pets die because he forgets to care for them.

  2. Likewise, Doritos had an ad with a lost cat ad, where a dog bribed a guy with a bag of Doritos when the guy spotted him burying the cat. Okay, cruelty to cats, too. Gimme a lot of them Doritos!

  3. The one where the cereal eats other cereal is creepy too. I think it’s for “Krave.” I don’t remember the details, except that I was creeped out by cereal plotting to kill and eat its own kind.

“I am not a witch.”

My wife agrees 1000%!

Don’t forget Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head about to get it on when the kids find them.
Apparently, eating potato chips makes them horny.

Or he’s lying on the edge of a cliff, head and shoulders hanging out in space, staring at his hand in horror.

“I said I was pregnant. I never said they were yours.”

This might be a doublepost.

A couple years back McDonald’s had the “Not till I had my coffee” guy. He was so annoying, people wanted to find out the actor’s name so they could beat the McShit out of him.

Commercial with kids talking about the World Cup 2014, saying who they want to win. One kid says “I want Germany to win. My Dad bet all my savings on them.” Cue sad piano music and text “Often, the people who suffer from problem gambling aren’t the gamblers. Kick the Habit.”

Germany did win. Good job, Dad!

Congrats. You have correctly IDed the group they’re aiming for; the men who feel family life has not been a good deal & want to buy themselves some solace. “Finally … somebody recognizes *my *feelings!” he thinks as he watches the ad.

Perhaps the new car is followed by the bimbo in Cozumel the other poster mentioned. Perhaps not.

When the OP said backfiring, I immediately thought of the IKEA commercial here in Canada–sorry I can’t find the YouTube link-- mom and kids are in the big spiffy new bathroom, all fitted out with IKEA custom counters, drawers. They’re all getting ready for work and school. Kids range in age from about 7-14. Two daughters and a little boy, and Mom-- suddenly Dad comes in, and he’s got a newspaper tucked under his arm, and he has that look Dad gets when he has to lay down a three-coil steamer, only the family all looks at him, ‘Really Dad?’ and he looks back and then shrugs as if to say, I’m staying and doing it, and you can all go fuck yourselves.
Really, it’s not even very funny. He’s just not going to even try the other bathroom, I mean, doesn’t the master bedroom have a toilet? What is so edifying about a dad shitting in front of his kids and wife? Really, IKEA?

There was a parody movie poster that they showed during Shadowhunters. “Shadowherders: The Mammal Instruments”. I’d watch the movie just because of that commercial.

Yeah, no Mom I have ever know would be happy about this.:confused::mad:

There’s a car commercial series where a** REALLY **creepy guy is hanging around the dealership, harassing the customers and answering question.

That’s what think every time I see that commercial. It went away for a while, and has since been revived. :rolleyes: