Commercials may have finally hit rock bottom

This stuff was originally advertised as an “everywhere” deodorant. Pits, butt, feet, etc.

Is this a slam at Whole Foods shoppers? Going organic requires sacrifices, you know.

It’s a free bonus when you eat at Chipotle.

Right, but I’m asking why you wouldn’t want to use a deodorant on your crotch? Like I said, I’ve never really thought about it, and I’ve never sniffed my crotch when it’s gotten sweaty, but if your pits need deoderant, why wouldn’t your crotch?

I’m asking if there is a physiological difference between the areas, as superficially, they do seem similar.

It’s a dumb “hole” pun.

Yes, I know.

It’s still mean to Whole Foods shoppers. :worried:

How does one determine “stink level”? Is there a smellometer of some sort? A sliding scale developed by real actors in real lab coats?

There are actually people whose job it is to smell people’s armpits and clothing and rate it.

Disclaimer: I worked on an antiperspirant product for several years, and I know more about sweat than I really want to. :wink:

There’s not much of a difference. Both the armpit and the groin are locations on your body where you have apocrine sweat glands (other areas include around the nipples, eyelids, and ear canals). Apocrine sweat isn’t the salty/watery sweat (eccrine sweat) which is produced all over your body, and which humans used for temperature regulation; I’ve seen apocrine sweat described as a “pale milky goo,” and it likely has some manner of role in conveying pheromones, as well as serving as an olfactory warning signal to others (as its release is linked to adrenaline levels).

Apocrine sweat, in of itself, is effectively odorless, but it is a tasty food for bacteria, and what you are smelling as “body odor” is the waste product from those bacteria. It doesn’t help that, for most of us, most of the time, armpits and groins are areas that are warm and clothed, giving a nicely warm, damp (from eccrine sweat) environment for bacteria to thrive.

So who is smelling butts and rating the effectiveness of products such as this?

Smelling people’s assholes is not a job-it’s a kink.

The same kind of people. Those are called “sensory labs,” and, as in the article linked to by @k9bfriender, staffed by people who have sensitive noses (who are nearly all women), and who have been trained in how to quantitatively assess odors.

If the maker of that product did any sensory/effectiveness testing on it, they would have hired a lab like that to conduct the testing.

Bunch of brown-noses.

Isn’t that a place where you can buy daily journals and agenda books?

This guy:

I had the perfect [for certain values of perfect] ‘cure’ for body odor, and also acne … 5FU and oxaliplatin IV - for several years I had absolutely no acne or body odor. Side effects sort of suck ass - although one of the side effects did have me lose about 100 pounds [vomit and diarrhea will sort of do that to a person]

And that is why you need CHIPOTLAWAY!

Spoilered due to grossness.

Or assess them?

Nice bit of synchronicity there.

Some how these commercials don’t bother me. I was actually impressed when feminine hygiene products started using pink liquid for demonstration instead of blue. Progress! Though I hate the bear toilet paper commercials. I really can’t say why.

They don’t bother me, either. If a daily shower isn’t enough to stop underarm stink (and depending on the person and/or their activity level it often is not), then the same can certainly be true of butt stink (and @kenobi_65 has clarified we’re not necessarily talking about Klingons around Uranus) - so a product that deals with butt stink is no different than one that deals with pit stink (although I’d guess they well be interchangeable).

Me too. They just seem (for lack of a better word) vulgar. Except the one wear parents who have raised a boy to the age of 11 or so (I have no idea how old son bear is supposed to be) and have changed diapers and cleaned up vomit are afraid to pick up his underwear from the floor. That one is just stupid.