Commercials you absolutely hate. (lame)

Is Arby’s only advertised in certain regions? Because i’ve never seen a TV commercial for it here in Baltimore.

(btw, Vanilla, if you don’t want to waste your 8,000th post answering this question, i’ll understand completely :slight_smile: )

I hate, hate, hate the Drano Gel ad. Man is pouring liquid drain cleaner into clogged sink and ask the woman, “What does this look like to you?” and she says, “Water.” Then he says, “Doesn’t water run right through pipes?” and she says, “Then how is it grabbing the clog? Why do we even bother?” When he makes that crack about “doesn’t water run right through pipes,” all I can think is, “Apparently not! Isn’t that how you know the damn sink’s clogged–because the water WON’T run right through the pipes?”

And I hate all the new Diet Coke ads with all the bubbles and the crappy music that beeps and whoops till you want to shoot someone–namely the ones who came up with this horrid concept.

And yes, I hate that little bitch who slaps the medicine from her mother’s hand. The ad is for a medicine that is thick enough so that she couldn’t have done that. Hey, kid, how about I park a piano on your chest to hold you still while I shove the meds down your neck? Or as I’ve been known to tell my own kids, “You’re getting this medicine, like it or not. One end or the other, it’s your choice! But you ARE going to take this!” So far, I’ve had no takers on getting a Triaminic enema. :smiley:

Oh, God, have you seen the one with the little kid who shakes up the soda bottle and then deliberately sprays his mother with it? She screams, “What’s the matter with you!?”, then smiles and says, “This works much better” and sprays him with the sprayer attachment on the kitchen sink. Man, if I’d tried that when I was a kid…

Are you talking about the ones with Adrien Brody?

You must be the only person who doesn’t know it’s Tom Arnold. ::shudder::

Besides, the Hamburger Helper mitt is much cooler - he MAKES the dinner!

The ad I hate is for Zantac75: their entire campaign consists of pointing out that Prilosec OTC takes 1-4 days to start working, so Zantac (which just sounds like glorified Maalox) is “for people who hate to wait.” They never accuse the folks at Prilosec of lying, but they imply that Prilosec is useless for occasional heartburn. Do they ever mention that Prilosec is not intended to treat occasional heartburn? NO! That kind of crap in advertising drives me crazy. :mad: I can’t imagine who decided that the best way to market Zantac was to compare it to a product that isn’t comparable, but if I were the folks at Zantac I’d be thinking about hiring someone else!

Funny, there are a handful of Arby’s in the Baltimore area, so I’d think you would see their ads. I have family up your way, and I wonder if they’ve ever seen them? We see them here in the DC area… :slight_smile:

Well, actually, IIRC, Zantac isn’t really made for occasional heartburn either. Zantac, like Prilosec, is meant to reduce gastric acid by inhibiting the proton pumps. It’s meant for more long-term issues than eating too much chili once in a while. Yeah, Prilosec is useless for occasional heartburn, but so is Zantac. That’s the think I hate about Zantac ads, and also the same thing I hate about Tums ads where they talk about how you have to wait for Zantac or Prilosec to start working.

I despise the Charmin bears, especially that new ad where the little bear goes behind the tree and is dancing while he poops. It looks like he’s scrubbing his ass on the tree trunk, which a) is gross and b) seems like it would chafe and completely defeat the purpose of the ultra-soft tissue with aloe, lotion, and Anal-eze, or whatever the hell it is they’re selling. The ass bears are even worse than the Pepto dancers.

The newest target of my seething commercial-induced rage, though is Mickey D’s. That ad where the mom has to use the McDonald’s bag to lure her little brats off the playground and into the car, then rewards them with a trip to McDonalds…oooohhhh it just makes me want to reach through the screen and snatch both of the kids by the ear and drag them to car, then bitchslap Mom for putting up with that shit.

Oh, and there’s this local law firm who has the most idiotic commercials. Actually, I think a lot of law firms in different markets use the same base ad and just add their own little spiel at the end. There’s this ancient buzzard in a suit sitting around a big table with a bunch of other old buzzards in suits (presumably they’re supposed to be insurance execs) talking about settling an accident claim, when one of them chimes in that the victim filed suit. Silence falls over the meeting like a pall, then ancient buzzard proclaims, “This…is serious.” I hate those commercials. I hate the implication that hiring a lawyer (specifically that lawyer) is all you have to do to bring the insurance company to their knees. And I hate that old fart and his melodramatic voice. Hate, hate, hate.

I don’t believe anyone has mentioned the abomination that is the National American Univesity ad. I don’t know how widely it is shown, but here in MN it seems to be on during every commercial break. It makes me want to die.

Shiiit. That sucks.

The Axe ads over here are worlds better.

Studly dude sprays himself with Axe while getting dressed.
He leaves home and gets in an elevator in some office building.
On the way up, a pencil necked geek gets in with him.
Studly guy gets out of the elevator, geek stays in.
Elevator stops again, good looking woman gets in.
She smells the scent of Axe, goes ape and starts kissing and tearing the clothes off of geek.
Elevator gets to the top floor.
Woman leaves elevator while pulling her skirt back down.
Geek guy is hanging back in the elevator looking like he’s just run a marathon.
Great big hairy and blatantly homosexual guy steps into the elevator.
Door closes, big dude sniffs - and smiles.
Geek gets a panicked look on his face.
Commercial ends with voice over “Axe - for men,” implying that it takes a real man to handle what Axe will get you into.

Shut UP!
Is it?

Well, at least the mitt is better looking.

Ok, this is really old, and it was more of a PSA than a commercial, but it still bugs the hell outta me to this day and now I finally have a chance to vent about it:

I hate that Smokey The Bear’s name got changed to ‘Smokey Bear’ (which I refuse to call him), but the ad that explained the change was just horrible: it was some guy, I think talking to his kids, and he says, “Well, we don’t say ‘Easter The Bunny,’ right?” No, dipshit, we say THE Easter Bunny! Just because the article doesn’t go in the same place doesn’t mean it isn’t necessary! Deciding that Smokey The Bear needs a new image doesn’t mean you have to abandon the English language! :mad:

(Wow, I’ve held that inside for years…I love this forum! :smiley: )

I saw it again yesterday…Garden State Life with Mickey Rooney and his wife.

While Mrs. Rooney is flogging life insurance, Mickeyis in the background pretending to wash dishes…it looks absolutely ridiculous and does not make me want to trust this company. How hard would it have been to give the guy some real dishes? He looks like he’s lost his mind.

That theme’s been used before, too. And I’m as offended as you seem to be. Just once, I’d like to see a commercial where the big guy(s) try to grab the little guy’s food, soft drink or whatever, and then he kicks all their asses, Jackie Chan style.

Also, I’d like to see a junk food commercial with a little kid trailing mom around the supermarket. Mom puts liver in the cart. Kid looks about to whine, but checks himself. Mom adds two cans of beets. Kid looks stricken, but keeps silent. Mom keeps adding more and more “gross” foods; kid looks like he’s ready to cry or explode, but doesn’t make a peep. Finally, Mom heads down the junk food aisle and plucks a bag of Doritos, or whatever. Kid is overjoyed! Because this is his reward for not being a brat! Of course, the ad execs would say it would never sell.

GraphicsGal said:

When I lived in Pittsburgh, Jim Leyland was the manager of the Pirates. He and some of the players shilled for Giant Eagle supermarkets. One commercial ended with Leyland standing at a sink saying morosely, “Of course, the worst part is…cleanup.” And starts scrubbing away at a greasy frying pan. I just thought that was funny, because I knew Mrs. Leyland had to have been on the sidelines while they were filming, saying, “Yeah…catch him doing that at home!”