Commercials you don't hate

[quote=“Rick_Kitchen, post:57, topic:749672”]

I love the Ace Hardware ads. This one about eating paint, for example.


Dude, like two posts above you.

This reminds me of a commercial I was just commenting on earlier today. The Dairy Queen one where the wife say, “I can’t believe how good this deal is!” and the husband says, “I can’t believe how good this meal is!” and the wife says, “I can’t believe you don’t listen to me.” and hubby goes, “I know, right!”

I so have that conversation with my husband A LOT.*

*Rich Kitchen is not my husband.

Has anybody mentioned Little Babies Ice Cream?

This one has been around a while, but the Subaru ad where the dad offers his kid the keys to the car, and the kid imagines what it’d be like going from his play car to the adult world - it always cracks me up. I especially like when he’s sitting in traffic moaning “You’re killin’ me!”

I hereby publicly confess that I like the Matthew McConaughey Lincoln commercials.

I enjoy the dancers in the sleep number bed commercial that plays to the old song “Bend Me Shape Me” and I hadn’t heard the song in years, so it is kind of fun to recall it from the depths of my junior high school memory.

Tangentially, on blast-from-the-past songs on commercials, I just saw a Scott’s Lawn (or maybe Lowe’s lawn service) about how great grass is with (Everybody Was) Kung Fu Fighting featured prominently. I wondered what in the world martial arts has to do with grass. Still haven’t figured it out.

You must unlearn what you have learned, Grasshopper.

“We are very interested in the barbecue!”

And ditto on the miniature horse and poor Cookie Monster waiting for his cookies.

In his column of April 7, 2010 (“Why a Town in Iowa [Davenport] Sought to Abolish Good Friday”) Dennis Prager gives the “institution” of political correctness the drubbing it deserves.

He noted that City administrator Craig Malin “sent a memo to municipal employees announcing that Good Friday would officially be known as ‘Spring Holiday.’
“Given the importance of Good Friday to Christians, when news of the recommendation became public, there was a national and local outcry, and the recommendation was rescinded.”
Prager followed this with several points, given as headings to sub-topics, printed in boldface:
1. There really is a war against Christianity. (I must point out, however, that religion is not the specific issue I am discussing here.) --d.m.)
2. Why not abolish Christmas?
3. Civil rights organizations are not about civil rights.
Prager followed this statement by saying that the ACLU “and other left-wing organizations” promote left-wing agendas.
4**. Good Friday as an American holiday reminds Americans that this is a religious society.
5. Non-Christians offended by Good Friday as an American holiday are narcissists.**
Prager added “As a Jew, permit me to say that any non-Christian offended by Good Friday or Christmas gives new meaning to the word “narcissist.”
6. As for the last heading, I will quote Prager in full, heading and all:
PC (political correctness) should be renamed OTL (offends the Left). “Most will characterize the attempt to rename Good Friday as political correctness. That it is. But the term itself is politically correct. Like everything PC, the term itself hides its true meaning, which is Leftism. Political correctness is invariably produced by the Left. The term, therefore, should not be ‘PC’; it should be ‘OTL.’ It is very unfortunate it isn’t. Americans would have much greater clarity as to the Second Civil War now taking place—from San Francisco to Boston to, yes, Davenport, Iowa.”

Wrong thread?

Most likely! :o :o

Yeah. I hated that commercial!

Is there any way that post can be transferred to the proper thread? This is embarrassing!!:o

There’s a new Behr Paint Commercial! ‘True to Hue’! Just saw it today, it is just enchanting.

Mermaid Seas, Thunder Cloud, Funny Face, and Urban Nature. Gorgeous! I want to run out and buy all of those paints and spruce up my sorry neutral-themed sh*thole - right now.

i’m trying to figure out – is this a spoof of some famous movie scene? I don’t see enough movies to know for sure. Likewise, is the one in space a nod to Gravity?

My, but that would be a sight to see. :smiley:

Not sure on the first one, but the second one was a lot like the spaceship and characters in The Martian.

dougie monty, I’m sure by now you know how to report your own post, but someone else did it for you. PM me what thread it is supposed to be and I’ll move it.

Never mind…it was supposed to be in the “political correctness” thread in IMHO and I did the copy-and-paste bit and moved it there myself. Thanks just the same. :o