Commercials you hate.

We have an ad for Comcast Cable Advertising… It is basically an ECG machine that beeps faster and faster until you have a mental breakdo… I mean… until it gives you the best choice for advertising on television.

Yeah. That’s it. Definitely a 4.

They don’t show it anymore, but there was a commercial by British Airways which had this middle aged guy, trying to relax in 1st class, when his face was superimposed with that of a crying baby. Extremely creepy.

Sorry, forgot to rate it. I’ll give it a 3, though I’m tempted to go with 3 1/2.

I didn’t own one for 7 years. Sometimes I consider pulling the plug on this one. And you’re right, the commercials are the big reason why.

I can’t stand the ads for Bank of America’s “keep the change” promotion. In fact, I just can’t stand the idea of it. What is the point? So, for every purchase you make with your check card, they round it up to the nearest dollar, then transfer that amount from your checking account to your savings account. They aren’t giving you anything at all! It’s baffling.

I recently saw part of a commercial that was so disturbing that I had to switch channels.
It features a shirtless guy, and they show a close-up of his nipple talking!

It was SO creepy, I gagged and clicked the remote. I have no idea what it was advertising (and I don’t want to know).

On a scale of 1-4, it was around a 6.

The only instances of this that makes any sense are the institutions that match this amount. Thus, it should be amended to (if kept at all): we’ll look at the change amount and *we’ll * reward you with this amount in your savings account and leave your money alone. A 1.

And can anybody tell me, re that commercial about the new water and container, something Pod means. 1) What the hell are they talking about at the beginning of the commercial, and 2) why do they think the shape of a water container will encourage kids to drink more water? A 3.

Those totally screwed up Dr. Scholls Gellin commercials; they turn my stomach and I would rate them about a 22 on the 1-5 scale.

Ironically, I have basic analogue cable and an HD computer monitor to view it on. I’ve had basic cable for about a year. During that year, I’ve watched maybe five hours of TV, and most of that was news.

Movies from DVD, plus the stuff I make myself, look great, though. :slight_smile:

I came in to post about that exact commercial. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the shape of the fucking container matters.

There’s nothing quite like the Pepto-Bismol commercial… "Nausea, heartburn, upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhea” or something like that, with people dancing with their hands on the afflicted parts of their bodies. What a way to put me off my lunch. That’s a 4, in my book. Revolting.

I don’t have TV either but I listen to baseball on the radio every night.

Pepsi has this HORRIBLE commercial about mixing genres or something, and it features a “Hip-Hopera.”

I have nothing against hip-hop or opera, but put them together with some nonsensical lyrics and a stuffy guy singing about “rrrollin’ with da homies/checkin’ out da clubs” and the completely annoying lady singing falsetto behind his “m-c to the hizzle that’s fo shizzle” … it makes me want to kill myself, approximately 18 times per night (between each of the 18 halves of 9 innings).

I hate it. I hate it so bad. Every time it comes on…aaarrrgghhh!!!

I give it a 3 just because I can’t be bothered to shoot my radio as it is my only form of live entertainment.

There’s a radio commercial for Comcast broadcast on Seattle stations that features actors playing a couple of roomates. One of them is called “Vladie”, even though he has a South Asian accent. It’s so badly overdone that it sounds like a modern day version of “Amos and Andy”. Why put this on the air in a liberal area like Seattle with a large South Asian population?

Big 4’s on these: Pet food commercials where you can hear the mammal eat. I don’t need to hear the dog slobbering or the cat smacking its mouth. Yuck-o. I definitely don’t want to be in on that casting call.

I’m not sure about this Japanese commercial. A richly filmed Panasonic ad where a woman on a white stallion rides through the forest, the back lawn, through the glass doors and ends up in the house on a stool that mimics the horse’s movements. There’s nothing wrong with the commercial for this exercise machine, per se, but it always reminds me of the first time I saw some in the store: a pair of schoolgirls were giggling very excitedly riding them. Wayyy more aroused than anyone should be in public. They probably needed a cigarette when they dismounted. I was major squicked out so I rate it a 3.

Commercials that bother me the most are the ones that use language in a way that makes it seem as if their intended targets are stupid. There’s one for some sort of diet food where the chefs say they are “adding flavor to taste”. To whose taste? What flavor? What the hell do you mean?

And the one for a local internet provider that says “You can meet unique and individual people just like you!” Do they not know the meaning of unique?

We won’t mention the one where they advertised hot sauce that wasn’t hot.

4 Rating: The Hot Pockets Faux Chink-“Why you so stupid?” If you’re going to be overtly racist at least hire an asian guy to play the character. Next thing should be a guy in black face with full “native” regalia going “moomboola moomboola me eat hot pockets not people!”

Not so much hatred as just disturbing: That Heineken draft keg commercial. It’s not really annoying, but manages to be rather disturbing.


I absolutely loathe the commercial with that creepy arm coming out from the guy’s stomach and force feeding him.

I give it a 4 (only because there’s no 100 on the scale!).

The one where everything is going along oh so rhythmically whilst people are paying for crap with their check cards. Oh, heaven forfend, someone wants to pay with cash! The music stops. The sky opens, frogs descend(okay, not really).

Wnat to know what the real problem is? Cashier bitch can’t make change. That’s why she’s upset. She didn’t pass her freaking math class, what do you expect? Well, that’s my take on it cause if you don’t want my cash I’ll go to another store.

I don’t like “the shouting guy” for the Oxyclean products. I hate, hate, hate his commercials. Everyone I know is irritated by this guy.

I give his commercials a 4.

I will give you the hate for Billy Mays, he can make an ant hate sand, but I implore you to try OxyClean, it is a an OgSend. My carpet swears by it. It works.