Community Ep 311 3/15/2012 - Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts

It’s back tonight! I can’t wait!

I kept “Regional Holiday Music” on my DVR and I’ve probably watched it five times or so to get my fix every now and then.

The epic trailer for the remainder of the season can be seen here.

No word on renewal yet, but there is recent news about a licensing deal (for syndication, I presume?) between Comedy Central and Sony Pictures. That could be a good sign!

Alan Sepinwall thinks there’s a strong chance of it coming back, mostly because of how terrible NBC’s schedule is across the board.

I’m really excited. I think I will turn on the TV now and wait.

It worked for Chuck for five seasons!

Thanks for the reminder, I would’ve missed it!

“This is hardly the time.”
“Is it? Or is it hardly the space?”

Not an outstanding episode, but still good. I loved seeing Troy wearing Chase’s fathers “toupee.”

“Hey guys, I got an idea? What if we have everybody’s character act in reverse?”

“Again?” [All throw cats at Dan Harmon.]

“But, guys. It’s so meta.”

"Oh, meta. Why didn’t you say meta?’ [Background murmur of “meta” "meta “meta”] “Sure, Dan. If it’s meta. But Jim Rash will get to wear an outrageous costume, won’t he?”

“Um, no. He won an Oscar. We might get some spillover from the ceremony this week.”

[All throw armadillos at Dan Harmon]

“Next time. Next time, I promise.”

“Do you mean next time? Or do you really mean next space?”

“Love it. Write that into scene 17.”

Yeah, I thought it started off stronger than it ended. The opening conversation around the study table had me in stitches–especially Britta’s responses. And Abed’s impersonation of Annie.

I also loved the shot of the outside of the imagination room when Troy and Abed were in there purging themselves, with all sorts of crazy noises coming from inside.

What was it about Annie’s Boobs that made Troy want to act like his old self?

Probably just the weirdness of seeing her pop out of the air vent.

I like that Annie is now humming the same tune that Troy and Abed are always humming.

Apparently three different Community related terms/phrases/hashtags were trending worldwide on Twitter last night. That’s a good sign for ratings, I hope.

(“Annie’s Boobs” “Troy and Abed” and “#InspectorSpacetime”)

Annie’s Boobs can make men do just about anything.

Oh, wait, you mean the monkey?

I expect better ones to follow…

Ratings for the show were at season highs. And that pushed 30 Rock to a season high as well. Community came in second in its time slot, which I don’t think has happened before in this season.

Surprisingly, a 2.2 in the prime demographic is a good number for NBC. That’s not close to a top show, but it’s one of the better ratings NBC has had all week.

Woo hoo!

Sorry it took me so long to get to this thread. I had to crabwalk all the way.

NBC had #CoolCoolCool displayed in the lower right corner last night.

Were they drinking Royal Crown Cola?