Compilations with Christmas Specials songs?

I recently saw that Sarah McLachlan’s new Wintersong album has *Christmas Time Is Here *from the Charlie Brown special.

One of the other current threads mentions Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol and that brought back fond memories. I think I would buy a compilation of all the songs from the various specials. The Grinch has some good ones too. And of course Rudolf.

I did a quick search, and although I found soundtracks from some of the specials, I didn’t see a compilation. Anyone know of one?

Nick at Night - A Classic Cartoon Christmas

Nick at Night - A Classic Cartoon Christmas, Too


Pefect! And pretty much all the ones I would have wanted too.

Glad to see that the Miser Bros. songs are in the latter collection, but The Year Without a Santa Claus has a lot of other great songs: “Anyone Can Be Santa”, “Snow Right Here in Dixie”, the title tune, and especially the very touching “I Believe in Santa Claus”. I’m not holding my breath, but any 3rd edition worth its salt will have several of these (as well as “Even a Miracle Needs a Hand” from 'Twas the Night Before Christmas).