OK I have an Amd Athlon64 3500+
Msi Neo Plat mobo
Samsung 80g SATA HD
I built this computer myself and an entire digital studio. I cColor calabrated my monitor, printers, and slide scanner. Write some of my paper profiles myself as well.
Here is my issue.
When I goto turn on my computer every morning I can’t get the thing to boot.
The MOBO will post. But my keyboard wont work so I cant even get into the BIOS.
It will take about 5-15 times of cold starts to get it running. I will get past the POST sceen after about 5 times. Then I will get to the windos logo after about five more times. Then I will log in and get to my desktop. About 2 more times. then I will be computing for about 1 min and it will freeze again. After that if I it stays on for about 2-3 minuits I am golden. I can run multiple apps Work on my websites, scan slide, have photoshop open and surf around all at the same time for days.
I can even shut it down or restaart as long as it isn’t off overnght It will restart no problem. It is like it needs to warm up or something.
I have run all of the requisit Spyware/adware cocktails and Anti-virus programs.
I have run CHKDSK several times. NADA… I run a light startup. I dont have all sorts of unessasary programs loading up at the start. I run a leane computing machine. I have replaced the SATA cable incase that was the probem-nope-
This started about a month ago and may be getting worse I just cant tell really.
Once I get it started I usually forget about it.
It kinda reminds me of a muscle car on a cold day. The sucker wont start but when it does WHOOMMM!!!
I suspect there sust be somethign wrong with my hard drive, but it is quiet as ever. And works perfectly during operation once windows is full y loaded. I work the bastard hard to.
Any insite would be great.
Thanks in advace for reading about my woes.