Computer Boot Issue

OK I have an Amd Athlon64 3500+
Msi Neo Plat mobo
Samsung 80g SATA HD
I built this computer myself and an entire digital studio. I cColor calabrated my monitor, printers, and slide scanner. Write some of my paper profiles myself as well.

Here is my issue.

When I goto turn on my computer every morning I can’t get the thing to boot.

The MOBO will post. But my keyboard wont work so I cant even get into the BIOS.

It will take about 5-15 times of cold starts to get it running. I will get past the POST sceen after about 5 times. Then I will get to the windos logo after about five more times. Then I will log in and get to my desktop. About 2 more times. then I will be computing for about 1 min and it will freeze again. After that if I it stays on for about 2-3 minuits I am golden. I can run multiple apps Work on my websites, scan slide, have photoshop open and surf around all at the same time for days.

I can even shut it down or restaart as long as it isn’t off overnght It will restart no problem. It is like it needs to warm up or something.

I have run all of the requisit Spyware/adware cocktails and Anti-virus programs.
I have run CHKDSK several times. NADA… I run a light startup. I dont have all sorts of unessasary programs loading up at the start. I run a leane computing machine. I have replaced the SATA cable incase that was the probem-nope-

This started about a month ago and may be getting worse I just cant tell really.
Once I get it started I usually forget about it.
It kinda reminds me of a muscle car on a cold day. The sucker wont start but when it does WHOOMMM!!!

I suspect there sust be somethign wrong with my hard drive, but it is quiet as ever. And works perfectly during operation once windows is full y loaded. I work the bastard hard to.

Any insite would be great.
Thanks in advace for reading about my woes.

Assuming you aren’t overclocking your CPU, GPU or RAM and all mobo jumpers and BIOS speed settings are set correctly, it sounds you possibly like a broken MB trace or loosely socketed chip or card. Power down and remove all cards and the CPU chip and RAM and then make sure they are solidly re-inserted and all plugs and pins are solidly connected . If problem persists you may have to swap components in and out until you narrow it down.

Needing to warm up a computer before it can run in a stable manner is usually a sign of a loose connection somewhere. Electronic components expand as they heat, which can allow a slightly loose connection to tighten itself up. In your case, the most likely culprits would be the RAM and any PCI/AGP cards, particularly a video card. You can try removing and reinserting your RAM, booting with only one DIMM (if you have more than one), or switching which DIMM slot the RAM is plugged in to (if you have only one DIMM). Also try reseating all the other cards in your motherboard, or removing any non-essential ones. Hopefully this will help and nothing is actually broken inside your motherboard.

Thank you.

I have tried some of these sugestions. I will give them all a shot at once.

I will get back with the results. After the computer has cooled.

I live in Alaska so that is not usually to long.