Computer question - re: changing icons

I accidentally opened up an Outlook .pst file in Notepad and told the system to “always use this program [Notepad] to open this file.” Now I can’t get the “Open With” dialog box to pop up anymore. The file still opens up normally in Outlook (it is a Personal Folders file) but the icon has changed to the Notepad icon. Is there any way to change this back to the one the .pst file normally uses, which is the little Microsoft “file type unknown” icon? That little notepad really bothers me.

I am using Win98, Office 97, and Outlook 2000.

From within Windows Explorer, open the View menu and choose Folder Options. Select the File Types tab on the far right. Now find your file type in the list, highlight it, and click the Edit button. Click the Change Icon button from the window that pops up.

Also, you can force Open With to appear in the right-click menu if you hold down the Shift key when you right-click.

I’m working from NT here, so YMMV.

Open up the Windows Explorer.
Find the option on the menu bar to access File Types (on NT it’s View, Options).
Click on the tab for File Types.
Scroll down to the .pst file, click on it.
Edit it.
Delete the reference to Notepad (or just click on Remove if you’ve got it).

Hope that helps.

It worked. I can’t believe I didn’t know how to do that. I mean, I did know but I forgot. Thanks!