Computer virus?

Hi again,
Me and my computer are having another go at it.
Actually I’m trying to be a hero and keep all the nasty …“stuff” on the web from attaching itself to my computer. Alas, I am not geeky enough yet- I have windows ME and really don’t have a big problem with it being unstable or terribly unreliable although I’d demand more if it was an “at work” computer- getting to my problem though.

I know more than the average computer user, but not as much as…err Julie heh-heh-heh… well, maybe with graphics =) dammit sorry folk attention problems…

I rarely if ever use my floppy drive, yet it will keep looking for a disk at set intervals- even when I’m not currently at my desk! It freaks me out, cuz I feel like someone snuck a trojan through all my defenses and is “having their way” with my square-headed gf =P lol

I have pestpatrol,Norton internet security, ad-aware and spybot S&D loaded and being used on here- always. I frenquently find 619 of something called “kernel” through scanning- but really this feels more like a case of me vs. city hall. I don’t know anything more than what my programs tell me- still it’s what they don’t tell me that I keep wondering about… Anyone have this problem?.. about the disk drive and all, not the rest of it =)

Help-me-if-you-cannn… thanks in adavance.

Any chance someone has installed a program called Floppy Madness on your PC? (Google it for details).

Is you AntiVirus set to scan your floppy? If so, you might want to stop it from doing that.

Try clearing all your Recent documents.
Right-click on the Taskbar
Select Properties.
Click on the Start Menu Programs tab. Click the Clear button.

Disable FindFast if you have it. More here.

Under System -> Performance -> File System -> Floppy Disk -> uncheck the Search for new floppy disk drives each time your computer starts box.
It’s a place to start anyhow.

Aha! Found the link I was searching for finally.
Here ya go.