
I’m a bit confused on this topic.

Every time some person comes on the board acting relaly stupid, you end up calling him concrete. Is this an actualy person who keeps making usernames after getting kicked off or something?

Backstory, anyone?

Basically. He got banned a long time ago, and comes back every week under a new name, just to piss us off.

Don’t say the name concrete 3 times in the mirror.

Here’s concrete on the subject over at Fathom:

I’ve been banned once again from The Straight Dope
Busted again…damnl

Jesus, you’re a jackass.

So far during my era–and there were others before–he’s been concrete, Jebus, Grim Hacker, and 2Sexy4MyComputer–these are just the ones he’s been caught with that I’ve heard about. 2Sexy had a registration date in March, and just went active (briefly–the mods are pretty good) in the last couple days, so the guy isn’t just the largest distributor of socks on the board, he has sleeper socks as well.

Why does he do it? My bet would be a joint inferiority/superiority complex, but I could be wrong–that particular kind of mental territory isn’t something I want to inspect to closely.

Next question: beatle, where were those links you gave me to? Obviously some SD affiliated MB, but…

Did I hear someone chalk Wanted Man up to it, also?

I’m not beatle, but I have met him a few times, so I hope he won’t kill me for answering. The links lead to Opal Cat’s FFF boards. Opal is a long time poster here, she also has the Teeming Millions homepages.

And yes (un)Wanted Man is c______ back from the dead again, alsa he found no brains on his journey to the land of the dead trolls this time either.

Hi Ayesha! We’ve got to round up the crew again…

Those were links to The Fabulous Forums of Fathom, a message board run by a long-time member here, OpalCat. She also maintains The Teeming Millions Home Page.

There’s quite a bit of crossover between the two boards. There’s also a few ex-SDMBers over there. I post there from time to time, as do several others from here. It’s a slower moving board, which has its plusses and minuses. The announcement you see at the head of each forum regarding profiles refers to Opal’s site.

It should be noted that concrete’s incarnations are easily spotted. He was picked out as Wanted Man within three posts. some kind of vendetta against the SDMB… I’m sure one of these days he’ll get around to Showing Us All. For reference, it’ll be around the time that he sucessfuly makes a consise, well-thought out post of great worth.

MysterEcks said:

*Too,*not “to.” This is what I get for getting an Inglish degree from Dan Quayle University.

Ayesha said:


Another one already? You gotta give concrete this–he may be stupid, but he’s determinedlystupid.

thats all true andygirl…but who has been threadspotted? Me…ain’t that a kick in the fucking head.

I almost dare not to ask, wanted by who?

He’s just a loser. He claims some vendetta against this board–which is BS. He regularly trolls many message boards. He does this because he feels a need for attention and trolling is the only way he knows how to get it. Pathetic really.

I lubs you too Silo…come over here you big hunk of man.

Wanted man? you wish. I’d go to the pit, but that is what you want.

Dont worry, ladies and gentlemen. He’ll disappear up his own ass very soon.

Do you promise ? May I watch ? Better yet, may I sell tickets ? I’ll split the profits with you.

Ays, if only it was in my power to do so. M’lady, would you care for a seat for the show?

Arrrrrggghhh! The Butt Pirates be Wantin’ him, matey!

And the Ass Goblins.