It’s pretty tame by the standards of things like Goat Porn, and Ewe’s Sluts, and the Original Sperm Count of Doom, which made threadspotting and were otherwise not only acceptable, but encouraged.
I had no indication or inkling that an ongoing schtick along these lines would not have been welcome or considered innapropriate, and I had a little schtick planned out for the next day or two, that I thought would have been pretty funny and light, and more risque than dirty.
I certainly won’t ever try anything like it again.
Though I’m not one to generally complain about moderator actions, I feel at a loss as to how I was supposed to know that there had been such a sea change with the “tone” of the board, and that what had been usually embraced was no longer welcome.
So now I know. My only issue is that I wish I could have been told nicely.
(Nice simulpost with Esprix on this topic, btw.) I have to say I’m surprised at the new “direction” as well as the tone taken with you. Considering the threads about kids vomiting and should a parent catch, the joys of squeezing pimples, and so forth, I’m at a loss. I consider myself a fairly well-read and otherwise somewhat cultured person, but I found the threads you cited to be very amusing.
If there are to be new rules on what thread topics are and aren’t appropriate, I think we would like some explanation.
I thought it was funny, as well as completely at home amongst others like the I’m Not Divorced Yet But I Am Having Great Sex With My New Boyfriend and I Saw A Guy Eat Horseshit and whatnot. Sheesh, it wasn’t the least bit graphic.
Anyway, I’m a big supporter of letting the mods call the shots as they see fit, since I’m allowed to play here, but it would be nice if the shots were called more publicly and more even-handedly. I didn’t know a “new tone” for the Boards was in the works, let alone needed. But then again, I rarely check in with ATMB, so maybe it’s my fault.
Scylla, I, too, am at a loss, and, as mentioned, started a thread about it as well. Perhaps this thread should specifically be about Tuba’s comment, and my thread here be about the “new policy?”
Is there something happening behind the scenes here that I am unaware of? As was stated before, I did not know that there was anything broken here. Is the SDMB about to be sued for TMI or Pit threads? What is this ”raising the tone” crap?
I am a smart guy. If I don’t want to read about exploding testicles or hear a fundamentalist testify, I won’t open the thread. If I do open a “hot button” thread, I will either argue my point eloquently, or not and engage in a frank exchange of ideas, or have the same done to me. The point is that as long as I have a descriptive thread title, I am a big boy and accept responsibility for the things to which I am exposed.
In general, I love this place just the way it is. Scrappy, chaotic and vital. I would be most interested to know what is driving this change in vibe that I am starting to feel.
I am also at a bit of a loss with respect to the closure of the labia thread. If the goal of this moderator action was to raise the overall “level” of the board, doesn’t [b[Tuba’s** crude parting joke not undermine this purpose?
I’ve noticed an increased vigilance in the last few days on the part of Tuba and other admins/mods to crack down on threads perceived as “tasteless”. I’m not paying for the site, they’re free to do what they want with it. Raise the tone, lower the tone, whatever.
But I can register my opinion, which is that I find it unfair to post parting shots like “Don’t you have any governor on your brain at all?” and then close the thread, leaving the only recourse to reply to be to go to the Pit. Does it have to be like that? Why not just say “We find this thread tasteless. It is closed.”? Especially in light of the fact that Scylla is the author of much Ewe Sluts, Goat Porn and The Sperm Count of Doom in the past and there was no inkling that this sort of thing isn’t acceptable any more.
I know it’s impossible to draw lines on what is and isn’t acceptable and Tuba’s judgement is to be trusted and acquiesced to, but it is possible to be a little less snotty about it
Actually, you have another recourse - no response at all. We don’t have to respond to everything we ever see, right?
And here’s something else I thought of, take it for what you will - if Tuba had included a smiley in her post, would we have the same reaction? I don’t mean to imply that that was her intended tone, not at all, but I don’t know if we should just jump all over her, assuming she meant a nasty insult. Just a thought.
Near as I can parse out Tuba’s post, it goes like:
“We have a new policy.
We haven’t told anyone about it. Scylla, it was foolhardy and immature for you to violate the new secret policy.
Don’t do it again.”
Promulgation, people. Promulgation. Most everybody on this board, including Scylla, will happily adhere to any rule changes y’all want to make, primarily because we like you and trust you. But we have to know about them first.
Suck it up. I completely disagreed with a mod action directed at me a while back, but it’s not my board. It’s the mods’ board. I recognize that and I just sucked it up. Was I peeved? Yeah. Does it make a difference? No. As someone said in the “the store’s closed” thread: Learn it, love it, live it.
Another vote for, yeah, she had the right to do it, and far be it from me to question the Great and Powerful Mods, but she didn’t have to be so damn snotty about it.
I don’t get it either (as mentioned in Esprix’s thread). I thought the OP was funny. And nowhere near the ick factor for me as things like the pimple-popping thread.
I started threads a while back on my experience with vibrators and my out-of-control libido. Would those be closed now, too?
Please let it go. Tuba does all this work for nothing in return. I know that doesn’t grant her license to be mean, but she isn’t mean. She has a good heart. I know this for a fact. Give her a bit of slack, please. We all have bad days now and again. You will find that overall, there’s not a more caring and decent person on the planet than her. I know you all know this. It’s just a reminder.
Here’s my theory about this new raising of standards. I think it really hit when it came out thatblueangel was 12. Many older dopers thought that it might not be good to have the kind of stuff said here being said. And with the ease at which she posted and read, it probably made some mods uneasy. My guess is that they don’t want to catch bad flak for the Chi Reader from angry parents.
red_dragon60, that may be the case. But many of Cecil’s columns are probably best not read by a typical 12 year old. This is not really a site for the faint-hearted.