I read this thread and thought about this article. The Congressional Black Caucus will not allow white members to join because of his race. The fucking gall of them! We’re not talking about somebody wanting to join just to make a point. We are talking about a white congressman who is concerned about the representation of his predominantly black district. He wants to join a group that strives to help blacks to make sure that his constituents are getting everything they deserve.
Having a Congressionally sanctioned organization that is explicit with its racism is so offensive and needs to end. There is also a Congressional Hispanic Caucus. What, no Congressional White People’s Caucus? How about an Overweight American Caucus that would keep out the skinny members? Maybe there should be a Congressional Caucus for Protestants. The Congresswoman’s Caucus, started in 1977 actually allowed men to join in 1981. In 1995 when funding was eliminated they became a “members” organization and barred men. At least they did the right thing for a while.
Discrimination of any sort should be eliminated. Whether it is white against black, Muslims against Jews, straights against gays or Coke against Pepsi, this needs to stop.
Tragically not. I invite you to read some of the OP’s previous efforts, although I would warn you that they are almost as retarded as this latest flatule.
and still are crying racism in the decision to kick him off the Ways and Means: http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/06/15/jefferson.caucus/index.html
I understand people wanting to ensure their particular interests are recognized and taken care of, but isn’t that the point of Congress as a whole? We don’t need this kind of divisiveness.
So this isn’t a joke - and I think you misunderstood what he said. It’s obviously discrimination. The CBC’s behavior regarding Jefferson is just plain stupid, but so is your contention. There are different groups of people with different interests within Congress and there’s nothing wrong with them banding together.
If you hadn’t taken such a goofy and hyperbolic approach, I might agree with you depending on what the CBC’s goals are. If the aim is to get the best representation for black people nationwide, they should hear Cohen’s case and maybe they should allow some white members.
I do not dismiss it, and were your OP solely about the conduct of the CBC, I might even agree with you, distasteful though I might find it.
However, the rest of your undoubtedly retarded OP makes it plain that you find the very existence of such an advocacy group to be distasteful, and are merely using this example of ill-advised exclusivity as an opportunity to bash something you dislike. Should you return at some point, genuinely interested in racial integration as opposed to cheap points-scoring, I will be happy to entertain your points. Until then, I cordially invite you to fuck off.
Let me clarify. I think that CBC should let Cohen in, the same way the Women’s caucus had let men in to help with women’s issues. By being exclusive of other groups and views you are perpetuating the us vs. them mentality too prevalent in this country. The fact that it is permitted in our government is dispicapble. It is not permitted in private industry. Country clubs are taken to court forcing them to allow minorities. High schools are being sued to allow girls to play on boys teams. So why should our government allow a recognized group to permit discrimination?
Open the doors. Many of these organizations have a predominantly Democratic membership because they deal with discrimination or other issues affecting “minorities” (women, Hispanics, blacks, etc). Don’t you think these groups should be willing to have more members to not only help to rectify problems but also to create a level and strength and solidarity when the bills come up?
How many white Democrats have you heard arguing against immigration quotas or wall-building? How many white Democrats have you heard complaining about the disparity between rich and poor and decrying the removal of social services? How many white male Democrats have you heard fighting for greater reproductive rights for women?
In a different thread on this board, people were saying the draft registration should be all (men and women) or nothing. Some were saying the military should be open to all and get rid of the bullshit “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Why should congress get a pass?
I say the caucuses should either be all-inclusive or be shut down.
Gee thanks for the offer! I’m not into necrophiliac bestiality but if I ever decide to fuck a Dead Badger, you’ll be the first to know!
I’m just disgusted that anyone is excluded from a group if they support what they are trying to do. There are whites in Operation Push. There are straight people working with GLAAD. There are non-addicts working with AA. I’m not homeless but I work with homeless groups. Why the fuck should it matter what race the member is? They all want common goals. People have fought hard and many have died to open up schools, companies and organizations that had previously been exclusive. I refuse to let the government get a pass.
Right. Absolutely, you’re disgusted at the injustice here.
May I ask why, in that case, you chose to go on a rant about how there’s no Congressional Fat Person’s Caucus? No Caucus for all those oppressed white people? Because it seems to me as if you’re disputing the very need for the existence of the CBC, and to be honest, it’s going to take an awfully convincing rebuttal on your part to convince me otherwise. Maybe you are just a concerned citizen, worried that a large black constituency is being deprived of representation. But to be perfectly frank it looks a lot more like you’re a typical idiot who dislikes the fact that black people might even think about standing up for themselves, and are taking a cheap shot when it seems easiest to do so.
I eagerly await correction of my no doubt excessively cynical reading of your OP. This is not to say that I am optimistic in the slightest.
p.s. and while it seems faintly embarrassing to have to point this out, “fuck off” is a bit of modern vernacular that roughly means, “please go away and stop bothering us, you boring person.” It does not involve sexual congress, putrescent or otherwise. Sorry to disappoint.
Actually, as a private organization, country clubs are free to exclude whom they wish, and occassionally do. There is nothing the courts can do about it. Most do not, because their members would leave.
I was attempting to show the absurdity of creating exclusive and discriminatory groups with government approval. I don’t dispute the need for the CBC. They are trying to help black people in the same way that the women’s and Hispanic caucuses attempt to bring the issues concerning their represented groups to the forefront.
But when Cohen, who represents a district with a large black population, is barred from joining, then I call the CBC on the carpet. Shouldn’t they be concerned about all black people, not just the ones represented by black congressmen? Or preferably black Democratic congressmen? I’m sure Cohen would have a lot to contribute about his district, about the needs that his constituents have and the problems they face. Why lock him out?
If there was a Congressional Jewish Caucus (I don’t know if there is or not) and they excluded a Christian it would be wrong. What if the Christian was concerned about the problems facing Israel and had worked with the JADL for years? Suppose he/she represented a heavily Jewish district? Why shouldn’t he be heard?
p.s. I knew what “fuck off” meant, I was just having a little fun with you.
It’s my understanding that the point of the CBC is to focus on black issues that are relevant to the various congressional districts that are predominately black…not to give the black congressmen a place to all hang out together. Therefore, a white congressman who represents a predominately black district should be allowed to join. Makes no sense whatsoever not to…and it’s not so much a matter of discriminating against him, but in fact, the discrimination is against the people of his district, who could benefit from his membership in the CBC.
According to wiki, CBC is (theoretically, anyways) non-partisan, if a Republican wanted in I’m sure they’d let him/her join. There have only been 3 black Repubs in congress since the group was founded, however, and none have wanted in.
I know you’re joking but what if the representative in question was a white Republican from a predominantly black district? Are Republicans so much the enemy that the needs of his constituents wouldn’t overcome the partisanship? Would they be afraid he’d learn the secret handshake?
If you want to help your people, be they black, red, brown, yellow or purple with green spots, you look for the people willing to roll up their sleeves and lend their help.