Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene MUST GO

Unfortunately, despite my attempts at disabusing them of the notion, too many of my countrypeople think that American conservatives actually like us. As a nation, Israel suffers from major self esteem issues. We tend to latch on to anyone who says something nice about us.

Thanks, Alessan, for on-the-ground info.

There are some individual American conservatives who do actually like Israelis. Just not all of them.

Yet today he’s treating MTG and the rest of the wingnut gang with kid gloves. Of course, two years ago he thought doing that to an expendable pest would help retain power. Now he knows it means risking not just losing power but getting physically assaulted. Was easy to “do the right thing” after much hemming and hawing when he figured it was not going to hurt him.

There is always a sizable % of people who vote for BoatyMcBoatface, So, altho no doubt a good number are crazies, some are people who vote the party ticket and a few did it for yucks.

You mean the Death Star of David?

Credit to my wife for that one.

What I don’t get is why these people don’t seem to understand that ceding power to Trump and his ilk for fear of what they’ll do only makes it more likely that eventually they’ll do it anyway.

Congressmen right now are in a position in which they can make it very hard for any assault upon themselves to succeed. If they actually allowed a coup, how long do they think they’d stay able to do that?

She’s awful, but she’s an awful Republican. She pulls the whole party down, and I’m fine with that.

Congressional Dems are not fine with that; they agree with the OP:

How long until Twitter blocks her bullshit?

These responses are great:

Democrats just can’t help but do dumb shit. They can’t help it. They’re falling into such a simple trap.

I think a simple explanation for right wing support of Israel is that Jewish people are okay if they stay on the other side of the planet and leave them alone. Any threat to Israel is a threat to that arrangement.

Much the same way that racists who despise people with darker skin are okay with Africa existing but will pitch a fit if an African-American moves next door to them.

There’s some of that, too. People can get to similar places by different routes, and often do.

Nor do I. My point being that even a privileged ass like Romney dislikes her.

I think the pro-Israeli stance and policies are largely designed to appeal to evangelical Christian voters, as they mostly align with “things that have to happen before the End Times prophecy can be fulfilled”. Religious nut Mike Pompeo is Secretary of State, after all.

I believe that for the most part Jews are fairly reliable Democratic voters. The one possible exception are some orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jewish sects, but based on my experience, most secular Jews are liberals.

I spoke with an Israeli about some US politician…I think it was Mike Huckabee…and the Israeli admitted that he was a nut job, but he supported Israel and influenced the US government, so who cares?

Pass the popcorn…

As a person who’s had cancer, I’ll say that MTG is much worse.

I came here to post that, but you beat me to it by many hours!

Not that anyone should have the slightest shred of respect for McTurtle. He poked his head out of his shell and saw looming disaster. The pack of lies that is modern Republicanism needs at least a fig leaf of plausible deniability, and MTG is far too stupid to do it right. She is a threat to the whole house of cards, and McCarthy is either too stupid to see it or too spineless to deal with it.

Let’s also note that McConnell feels free to speak publicly about Greene, a member of the House of Representatives over whom he has essentially no power, but is extremely tight-lipped when it comes to the Republican Senators who, while not quite as bat-shit as Greene, are definitely on her spectrum. He gets to look “reasonable” while accomplishing roughly nothing at all.

If the GOP really starts paying political prices for their acceptance of Greene, Boebert, Loomer, et al, watch for a couple of prominent House Republicans to borrow from this playbook to denounce Cruz and Hawley, while doing absolutely nothing about their own caucus members.

No fan of McConnell, but when he does the right thing I have to give him credit. McCarthy doesn’t have what it takes to control his own caucus, SOMEBODY has to step to the plate. Whacky Margie now is saying “I’m going to Donald and I’m going to TELL-ELL!” Fine. Run to Don the Con. Fellate him verbally as well as literally. Go ahead and get those presidential ambitions. Run against Harris in 2024.