Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene MUST GO

I blame the Jews and their Jewish banks and financial institutions.

But their space lasers make perfect murder weapons.

And popcorn poppers!

I wouldn’t feel comfortable thinking that some might not know that reference – about 2:42

Not only that, I’m having to buy my own ammunition! :angry:

I know, right? What kinda chicken outfit is this?

It’s a hen party.

Take that back or I’ll stab you with my crocheting needle.

Hook. A knitting needle would be easier to stab with, but a crochet hook would hurt a lot more.

That just highlights their unfair exclusionary business tactics. They are keeping everything in-house, cutting small independent contractors like CaptMurkdock and DesertDog out of the market.

I’m comfortable speculating that the majority of Dopers have two hands. Why can’t you both be right?

Wait. What were we even talking about?

I’m going take the liberty of junior modding, apologizing profusely for the hijack, and suggest we return this thread to its regularly scheduled content.

Knitting ninjas.


She thinks electric cars are emasculating.

Where even the ‘k’ is silent.

By emasculating, does that mean that EVs don’t have tailpipes?

Perry Taylor Greene’s new gf must drive a Tesla.

She was aiming at people like me with that, but I think she missed the mark.

I’m 50 and I have a Mustang GT with a powerful V8. I love the sound, but I’m old, and in fact the electric SUV Mustang is just as fast as my car. I don’t daily drive my GT though, normally I drive an Escape. Some people consider them “girl cars”.

I don’t think that BEV’s are all they are being made out to be now, but at the same time I don’t think we should be making national policy based on the sound of an engine.

Her rant was laughable and showed no vision for the future.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an alt history buff.

She may be the dumbest person in Congress.

And that’s saying a lot.