consensus on Hitler's sex life?

Hi there - and good morning.
(newbie here ;-))
Having read around quite a bit on the web (wikipedia,etc…) I wonder if there is any consensus on Hitler’s (perverted or no perverted) sex life.

It seems that his relationship with his niece (Angelika Raubal) is rather well documented and acknowledged - but of what nature was this relationship that finally ended in suicide?

also, there seems to be some (unsupported?) talk about him being sexually very submissive to women?

There also seems to exist a police report from 1908 mentioning “sexual perversion”
being aware that this is a loaded topic - are there any takers?

thx in advance

There really is no consensus on Hitler’s sex life, with seperate theories that it was normal, that it was perverted, and that it was almost non-existant.

The Master has done articles on the rumors that Hitler was part Jewish – – and that he had but one testicle – But nothing on his sex life, as yet.

In either “Birth and Death of Meaning” or “The Denial of Death,” (probably the latter) Ernest Becker wrote about how Hitler would routinely have his mistresses urinate and defecate on his head. IIRC nine of his mistresses committed suicide.

I would say nothing is really definitive.

First of all, any writing on ol’ Adolph seems to attract a great deal of subjective writing. Next, the guy simply lied about himself for so long (and with so much professional help) that few reliable records really exist. Then, turning to the OP, how much do we really know about any historical figure’s sex life? This was in the age before video tape recorders and really embarrassing Scientology transcripts of ‘free audits.’

So, I would say I would take anything written about the guy’s personal life with a huge grain of salt.

Don’t have a cite but History Channel had show(s) on the subject. He was under the influence of drugs supplied/adminitered by his personal dr.
He got his jollies while haranguing his followers.

WAG The bombing and approach of the Allied Forces scared the pschit out of him!

The theories and speculation run all over the map: secretly gay, asexual, hots for his niece, never once did it with Eva (or maybe he did), etc.

Probably the only real consensus about Hitler’s sex life runs along the lines of “if ever there was a guy who needed to get laid more often…”. :rolleyes:

And the doctor previously mentioned was the infamous Dr. Morel. Hitler was so hopped up on uppers and downers and painkillers he probably couldn’t have performed half the time, anyway.

He had a fantastic sex life.

I once heard (from my Dad, who read it in a newspaper back in the '70s) about an old man in France who claimed to be Hitler’s bastard, sired on a French girl during WWI, when Hitler was a corporal in the German Army serving on the Western Front. Don’t know if it’s UL or not (can’t seem to find it on Snopes); and if it isn’t, who knows if the old man was telling the truth; and if so, who knows if his mother told him the truth.

If only we had access to Hitler’s web browser history cache! Then we’d have better insight into his sexuality! :wink:

Whatever Hitler’s predilections might have been, I bet he wouldn’t have turned up his nose at a hot ephebophilic three-way with the blonde Aryan twins of Prussian Blue! :wink:

And that would be why he was reported to have had all women who sent letters asking to have der Fuehrer’s baby arrested (I forget which historian’s take on this I read)??

I like Mary Russell’s analysis (the intro to A Thread of Grace). But I guess it matters whether you believe he actually had sex with any of his women friends. Personally, it makes sense to me that he never did. It takes a deeply phobic person to do many of the various weird things he did, and Mary’s take on it is convincing. She is, after all, a physical anthropologist, who dealt with issues of both culture and genetics before she left academia as a publishing researcher and scientist. She researches everything. If you doubt, read her afterword to The Sparrow.

Nine? Other than Raubal, who else? I still say, agreeing with Paul in Saudi, that we really don’t know much about Hitler’s sex life. We know he had at least two mistresses. One of them, Angela Raubal, his niece, committed suicide in 1931, and that the other, Eva Braun, married him in the last few days of their lives, and died with him in the Fuhrerbunker.

I remember being surprised myself. I also remember having a bitch of a time finding the reference last time I looked for it. It’s in one of those two books. Perhaps they were minor transient mistresses or perhaps it didn’t happen at all. Becker is no slouch though.