What if Hitler was your Uncle?

You go to bed in 2015, but awake seeing through the eyes of Geli Raubel, Adolf Hitler’s beloved niece in 1029.

You can insert ideas into her head, and she will pursue and follow them like they were her own.

What would you have her say to Hitler? (No bad military intelligence, please)

Well, for starters, I would have her shoot Hitler in 1931, rather than herself.

Seriously, though, it’s one screwed up story. You know, there might be something wrong with the way my brain works, but… Yeah, there’s the totalitarianism, and the war, and the millions of Jews murdered, but hers is the story that really hammers it home for me that Hitler indeed really was one massive asshole.

I would say “How come you like ugly girls, such as myself?”

Geli Raubal - Wikipedia (I think that Wikipedia may have confused her pic with Sam Kinison…still checking on that, tho.)

Not really, a childless uncle being overprotective of his niece isn’t that screwed up.

The fact multiple partners of his attempted suicide (not including his wife) is more screwed up.

Because you are my niece? I really doubt there was a sexual component to their relationship. There were nude sketches, but he sketched loads of people nude.

On the subject of incest, did you know Adolf Hitler only had 6 great grandparents?

Well, yeah, it’s the “driven to suicide” part that is the clincher.

Seriously? A young woman who was driven to suicide because she was being sexually abused by Adolf Hitler - and you’re going to mock her appearance?

OP, do you mean 1929? In any case, I probably wouldn’t say anything to Hitler, even armed with the knowledge of the future of the Third Reich. Hitler was such an egotist, I doubt if he would have listened to emotional appeals to spare innocent people. He may have felt as if his own niece turned on him if she were to say anything. He was utterly convinced that non-Aryans were inferior and that the genocide of people whom he viewed as no better than animals was justified. I doubt there would be any way to prevent the deaths of millions of people. He might have even been pushed to cause millions of more deaths in an effort to prevent Germany from falling.

Ya know, put a little mustache on her, and I can see the resemblance.

**What if Hitler was your Uncle? **

I want a fucking Mercedes, NOW!

Provided she DID shoot herself – isn’t there speculation that she was killed?

Say to him? I wouldn’t have her say anything, just go grab a big knife.

On top of that, there’s no proof that she was being sexually abused by Adolf Hitler. It was Jewish propaganda. NOt *really *Jewish propaganda, I just wanted you to be able to feel superior for a minute. Again.
However, the proof for the abuse is not as good as saying that there was speculation of sexual abuse.

Topped me.

Hey, wait a minute…there was never, never, never, never *any *indication, or even accusation that she was driven to suicide by sexual abuse. Whence cometh this???

The Wikipedia entry says otherwise:

"Rumours immediately began in the media about physical abuse, a possible sexual relationship, and even murder. Historian Ian Kershaw contends that stories circulated at the time as to alleged ‘sexual deviant practices ought to be viewed as … anti-Hitler propaganda’. The police ruled out foul play; the death was ruled a suicide.[8] Hitler was devastated and went into an intense depression. He took refuge at a house on the shores of Tegernsee lake, and did not attend the funeral in Vienna on 24 September. He visited her grave at Vienna’s Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery) two days later. Thereafter, he overcame his depression and refocused on politics.

“Hitler later declared that Raubal was the only woman he had ever loved. Her room at the Berghof was kept as she had left it, and he hung portraits of her in his own room there and at the Chancellery in Berlin.”

My question is, if there wasn’t anything untoward going on, then why Hitler’s extreme reaction? That’s not hard evidence, but does seem circumstantial.

Good point… though we might have better luck convincing him that best way to defeat communism would be to raise the living standards of the German worker. Hitler hated the Jews in general, but he did reclassify some people of heavy Jewish decent as not Jewish such as his former commanding officer,and Raubel’s physician. It should be possible to narrow down the his definition of who is Jewish, so that less people are sent to the deathcamps.

Ditto for gypsies, would it be hard to romanticise them as plucky defenders of tradition in the face of Communism?

He had just lost the closest thing he had to a daughter, and perhaps he felt guilty that he might have contributed to her death. I wouldn’t call his reaction extreme, given the circumstances.

  1. THere is no indication in what you have quoted that the suicide was alleged as being caused by sexual abuse by A. Hitler.
  2. What’s so mystical about Hitler’s extreme reaction? His niece, who lived with his sister/her mother, committed suicide, in his house. I don’t see an extreme reaction as being even circumstantial evidence for anything except strong feelings. Hitler had seen quite a few bullet holes in the war, so, any visions of his niece with a hole in her lying on her floor for the hours it took for rigor mortis to set in could cause a bit of a reaction, I can suspect.

And, your quote doesn’t mention sexual abuse-it mentions sexual deviance, not the same; the deviance may have been something not offensive to Geli. The quotes about her distaste for same, by Maurice (or whoever), were not contemporaneous.

You seem unusually invested in this. I hope we’ve not unintentionally slandered some sort of hero?