Contestant #3 - Love or Hate Him?

I’m going to change my mind. C#3 I love you and want to have your baby! I just can’t wait to get my hot little hands on your sexy body. If words were like kisses I’d shower you in them all day! I think you are the greatest thing since disposable tampons! You light up my life like a rectal probe!

Damn, this is going horribly wrong! I just wanted to flirt with him a little since I know he hates it so much!

Kisses, sugar!

And wait, alien implants? So now aliens are getting boob-jobs too? Huh?

Byzantine, you silly little rabbit, not those kind of implants.

See, the bad Aliens kidnap you, and then…wait, I can’t tell you anymore about it. It’s very hush-hush.

Well, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.

You are unique - Just like everyone else.

<font face=“Westminster”> Ah, C#3 you imbecilic twit! I will grant your wish! I will point out to the world that:

1- You are evolution’s mistake. This is easily proven, as everybody knows you have fins & gills!

2- The deliberate spread of misinformation is an offence against the Divine Creator, Man & Civilization. You are therefore the World’s Greatest Philistine.

3- The gormless bravado & inane obfustication that you use to replace logic & reason in your postings annoy those of us that rise above your abysisimal level. This class includes me, everyone who posts on this board, and any part of the global population not actively employed in a New Orleans bordello.

4- You are a spy.


6- I don’t care if you marry that girl or not, you’ll be deported anyway, & GOOD RIDDENCE!

7- I did too send you that UFO transmission part! And I recieved your payment. But I specified ‘10,000,000 NEW Spanish Pesantas’. These things are OLD!


9- Re: the Ms. Scarlett Kellibelli assistance
debate. Yo ah still a carpetbagger , suh, and Ah challenge ya’ll to a DUEL! To defend the honor of that fair flower of Suthern femininity, Ms. Scarlett Kellibelli!

Hand Grenades at 3 paces, Suh!</font>

We have met the enemy, and He is Us.–Walt Kelly

{Note: some items were over the top, and I missed them somehow. -Lynn}

[Note: This message has been edited by Lynn Bodoni]

The challenge still stands, but I will add that you are my favorite <strike>convict</strike> ex-convict.

(and congradulations on the acquittal; on technical grounds, of course!)

Daniel, this is the pit.

You don’t have to hold back.

The opposite of courage is not cowardice, but conformity

Are you telling me that we have an option in the matter? Yeah Right!

you have just been marked as territory.

I guess that would explain the UFO crap.

Coffee, chocolate, men . . . Some things are just better rich.

C#3 fills an important role in the pantheon of posterdom. He is the Devil’s Advocate, being contrary for contrary’s sake.

He is the Red Headed Step-child of our little family. The one which embarrases Aunt Petulia and is keeping mother from inheriting the family fortune.

He’s the FNG, screwing w/our heads making us re-verify every fact in our posts.

He’s the schoolyard bully. Taking to task lame posters or lame trains of thought.

He’s Chicken Little. “The sky is falling! the sky is falling!” And if you don’t believe him he morphs into the skulking wolf on Li’l Red’s ass.

I love him. I hate him. Depends on the thread. Depends on my mood.

But the world would be a more boring place w/out him.

Neutrality, akin to indifference.

When he argues with sense and control, I read it.

When he’s pulling chains for attention, I blow past it.

Agent provacateurs only gain power if people react to them. I’ll pick which buttons I let get pushed.

Silence can be deadly,

Scott, Your insight and wit were sorely missed.
Dont split on us again, or I will hunt you down on your boat and kick the livin’ shit out of you…(she smiles sweetly)

I have to totally agree on your post.

Can #3 drives me nuts sometimes, but this place would be empty without him…we all need someone to be the instigator/catalyst/realist/unrealist/ surrealist/whatever.

Still rooting for you contestant #3!
Even when you act like a dink… :wink: