Controversial encounters between law-enforcement and civilians - the omnibus thread #2

From the article

I’m pretty sure that’s what Benjamin Franklin said about the justice system, isn’t it?

Blacks are still not fully human to many Americans I guess.

I should have stopped reading at the cool toys story.

Remember this?


57 months:

Light sentence. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

A guy got tired of seeing New York City cops in the subway in violation of the city’s mandatory mask rule, so he went up to a couple of them who were not masked and asked them why not. At first, one of them said he couldn’t hear him through his mask, and then when the guy asked his question louder, the two cops grabbed him and threw him out of the subway station. The police commissioner said the cops’ actions were inappropriate, but they will be disciplined, not fired.

I suspect this will be their punishment:

If they were inappropriate, how are they not also simple assault?

Professional liar lies while representing teen who hit 6 cyclists.

Teen driver still faces no charges. We do not even know if he got a ticket.

In some US accents, “lawyer” and “liar” are nearly indistinguishable.

More on Jacob Brown and the Louisiana State Police:

Hold on to your hats; this one is quite a ride:

And for a failure to mow his grass:

Yeah, that’s exactly what happened,

What the…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why was the city involved in enforcing an HOA rule?

Doesn’t sound like it was an HOA rule - I know my city has codes on mowing your lawn. SWAT doesn’t usually show up, but I don’t know what would happen if it got to the point that the city was going to mow and the homeowner objected.

Where objected means started to shoot at you from the house.

I’m with crowmanyclouds on this one. The shooting seems appropriate if the story is accurate.

The warrant was left at the door and contractors for the city’s code enforcement began working on the lawn. About an hour later, the resident started shooting from inside the house, Chacon said.